Example: Convert Multi-Queue Statements into One

The old method of setting multiple queue statements into a single submit description to create variance between submitted jobs is deprecated. However, the ability to easily submit multiple jobs with variance is still possible with a single queue statement. The following examples will show how one can convert the older syntax to the improved single queue statement.


The following example submit files are not designed to be useable but rather a demonstration of how the old syntax can be converted.

A Job Per File

The following example shows a submit file using multiple queue statements to submit jobs with differing input files which can easily be done with a single queue statement. This example assumes the working directory contains the files example1.in and example2.in.

executable = /bin/cat
arguments  = $(filename)

transfer_input_files = $(filename)

# Old Syntax
filename = example1.in

filename = example2.in
# Converted Syntax
# Submit one job per file matching *.in
queue filename matching files *.in

Jobs with multiple variables

The following two examples show how multiple variables can be given variance in a single queue statement.

executable = quadratic.sh
arguments  = "$(A) $(B) $(C)"

# Old Syntax
A = 3
B = 1
C = 10

A = 2
B = 8
C = 4
# Converted Syntax
# Submit one job for each row of data
queue A,B,C from (
    3, 1, 10
    2, 8, 4

Shared Variance

In this example the tolerance variable is the same for two jobs and different for the last. Despite only having two values in the set of jobs, the tolerance must be set for each job in the converted syntax unlike the old.

executable = word_count.py
arguments  = "$(filename) $(tolerance)"

transfer_input_files = $(filename)

# Old Syntax
tolerance = 50
filename = first.txt

filename = second.txt

tolerance = 25
filename = third.txt
# Converted Syntax
# Submit one job per each row of data
# Note: Each row needs each variable data defined
queue tolerance, filename from (
    50, first.txt
    50, second.txt
    25, third.txt

Variable Cadence

In the following example, the capacity variable uses each assigned value for two jobs with a varying type variable.

executable = science.py
arguments  = "$(capacity) $(type)"

# Old Syntax
capacity = 100
type = "soft"

type = "hard"

capacity = 42
type = "soft"

type = "hard"
# Converted Syntax
type = $CHOICE(STEP,"soft","hard")
queue 2 capacity from (