
Manage HTCondor jobs, job sets, and resources


htcondor [ -h | –help ] [ -v | -q ]

htcondor job [ submit | status | resources ] [–resource resource-type] [–runtime time-seconds] [–email email-address] [–skip-history]

htcondor jobset submit description-file
htcondor jobset list [–allusers]
htcondor jobset [ status | remove ] job-set-name [–owner user-name] [–nobatch] [–skip-history]
htcondor dag submit dag-file
htcondor dag status dagman-job-id


htcondor is a tool for managing HTCondor jobs, job sets, and resources.

For jobs, the –resource option allows you to run jobs on resources other than your local HTCondor pool. By specifying either EC2 or Slurm here, the tool provisions resources for the time described by the –runtime option (in seconds) and sends your HTCondor job to run on them. It assumes you have already completed the necessary setup tasks, such as creating an account for Slurm submissions or making your AWS access keys available for EC2 submissions. submissions.

Global Options

-h, –help

Display the help message. Can also be specified after any subcommand to display the options available for each subcommand.


Reduce verbosity of log messages.


Increase verbosity of log messages.

Job Options


Resource type used to run this job. Currently supports Slurm and EC2. Assumes the necessary setup is complete and security tokens available.


Amount of time in seconds to allocate resources. Used in conjunction with the –resource flag.


Email address to receive notification messages. Used in conjunction with the –resource flag.


Passed to the status subcommand to skip checking history if job not found in the active job queue.

Job Set Options


Passed to the list subcommand to show job sets from all users rather than just the current user.


Passed to the status subcommand to display the status of individual job clusters within a job set


Passed to the status or remove subcommand to act on job sets submitted by the specified user instead of the current user. Using this option to remove job sets requires superuser permissions.


Passed to the status subcommand to skip checking history if job clusters are not found in the active job queue.

Exit Status

htcondor will exit with a non-zero status value if it fails and zero status if it succeeds.