Configuration Templates

Achieving certain behaviors in an HTCondor pool often requires setting the values of a number of configuration macros in concert with each other. We have added configuration templates as a way to do this more easily, at a higher level, without having to explicitly set each individual configuration macro.

Configuration templates are pre-defined; users cannot define their own templates.

Note that the value of an individual configuration macro that is set by a configuration template can be overridden by setting that configuration macro later in the configuration.

Detailed information about configuration templates (such as the macros they set) can be obtained using the condor_config_val use option (see the condor_config_val manual page). (This document does not contain such information because the condor_config_val command is a better way to obtain it.)

Configuration Templates: Using Predefined Sets of Configuration

Predefined sets of configuration can be identified and incorporated into the configuration using the syntax

use <category name> : <template name>

The use key word is case insensitive. There are no requirements for white space characters surrounding the colon character. More than one <template name> identifier may be placed within a single use line. Separate the names by a space character. There is no mechanism by which the administrator may define their own custom <category name> or <template name>.

Each predefined <category name> has a fixed, case insensitive name for the sets of configuration that are predefined. Placement of a use line in the configuration brings in the predefined configuration it identifies.

As of version 8.5.6, some of the configuration templates take arguments (as described below).

Available Configuration Templates

There are four <category name> values. Within a category, a predefined, case insensitive name identifies the set of configuration it incorporates.

ROLE category

Describes configuration for the various roles that a machine might play within an HTCondor pool. The configuration will identify which daemons are running on a machine.

  • Personal

    Settings needed for when a single machine is the entire pool.

  • Submit

    Settings needed to allow this machine to submit jobs to the pool. May be combined with Execute and CentralManager roles.

  • Execute

    Settings needed to allow this machine to execute jobs. May be combined with Submit and CentralManager roles.

  • CentralManager

    Settings needed to allow this machine to act as the central manager for the pool. May be combined with Submit and Execute roles.

FEATURE category

Describes configuration for implemented features.

  • Remote_Runtime_Config

    Enables the use of condor_config_val -rset to the machine with this configuration. Note that there are security implications for use of this configuration, as it potentially permits the arbitrary modification of configuration. Variable SETTABLE_ATTRS_CONFIG must also be defined.

  • Remote_Config

    Enables the use of condor_config_val -set to the machine with this configuration. Note that there are security implications for use of this configuration, as it potentially permits the arbitrary modification of configuration. Variable SETTABLE_ATTRS_CONFIG must also be defined.

  • GPUs([discovery_args])

    Sets configuration based on detection with the condor_gpu_discovery tool, and defines a custom resource using the name GPUs. Supports both OpenCL and CUDA, if detected. Automatically includes the GPUsMonitor feature. Optional discovery_args are passed to condor_gpu_discovery

  • GPUsMonitor

    Also adds configuration to report the usage of NVidia GPUs.

  • Monitor( resource_name, mode, period, executable, metric[, metric]+ )

    Configures a custom machine resource monitor with the given name, mode, period, executable, and metrics. See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for the definitions of these terms.

  • PartitionableSlot( slot_type_num [, allocation] )

    Sets up a partitionable slot of the specified slot type number and allocation (defaults for slot_type_num and allocation are 1 and 100% respectively). See the condor_startd Policy Configuration for information on partitionable slot policies.

  • StaticSlots( slot_type_num [, num_slots, [, allocation] ] )

    Sets up a number of static slots of the specified slot type number (defaults for slot_type_num and num_slots are 1 and $(NUM_CPUS) respectively). The number of slots will be equal to num_slots. If no value is provided for the allocation, the default is to divide 100% of the machine resources evenly across the slots.

  • AssignAccountingGroup( map_filename [, check_request] ) Sets up a condor_schedd job transform that assigns an accounting group to each job as it is submitted. The accounting group is determined by mapping the Owner attribute of the job using the given map file, which should specify the allowed accounting groups each Owner is permitted to use. If the submitted job has an accounting group, that is treated as a requested accounting group and validated against the map. If the optional check_request argument is true or not present submission will fail if the requested accounting group is present and not valid. If the argument is false, the requested accounting group will be ignored if it is not valid.

  • ScheddUserMapFile( map_name, map_filename ) Defines a condor_schedd usermap named map_name using the given map file.

  • SetJobAttrFromUserMap( dst_attr, src_attr, map_name [, map_filename] ) Sets up a condor_schedd job transform that sets the dst_attr attribute of each job as it is submitted. The value of dst_attr is determined by mapping the src_attr of the job using the usermap named map_name. If the optional map_filename argument is specified, then this metaknob also defines a condor_schedd usermap named map_Name using the given map file.

  • StartdCronOneShot( job_name, exe [, hook_args] )

    Create a one-shot condor_startd job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • StartdCronPeriodic( job_name, period, exe [, hook_args] )

    Create a periodic-shot condor_startd job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • StartdCronContinuous( job_name, exe [, hook_args] )

    Create a (nearly) continuous condor_startd job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • ScheddCronOneShot( job_name, exe [, hook_args] )

    Create a one-shot condor_schedd job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • ScheddCronPeriodic( job_name, period, exe [, hook_args] )

    Create a periodic-shot condor_schedd job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • ScheddCronContinuous( job_name, exe [, hook_args] )

    Create a (nearly) continuous condor_schedd job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • OneShotCronHook( STARTD_CRON | SCHEDD_CRON, job_name, hook_exe [,hook_args] )

    Create a one-shot job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • PeriodicCronHook( STARTD_CRON | SCHEDD_CRON , job_name, period, hook_exe [,hook_args] )

    Create a periodic job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • ContinuousCronHook( STARTD_CRON | SCHEDD_CRON , job_name, hook_exe [,hook_args] )

    Create a (nearly) continuous job hook. (See Startd Cron and Schedd Cron for more information about job hooks.)

  • OAuth

    Sets configuration that enables the condor_credd and condor_credmon_oauth daemons, which allow for the automatic renewal of user-supplied OAuth2 credentials. See section Enabling the Fetching and Use of OAuth2 Credentials for more information.

  • Adstash

    Sets configuration that enables condor_adstash to run as a daemon. condor_adstash polls job history ClassAds and pushes them to an Elasticsearch index, see section Elasticsearch for more information.

  • UWCS_Desktop_Policy_Values

    Configuration values used in the UWCS_DESKTOP policy. (Note that these values were previously in the parameter table; configuration that uses these values will have to use the UWCS_Desktop_Policy_Values template. For example, POLICY : UWCS_Desktop uses the FEATURE : UWCS_Desktop_Policy_Values template.)

  • CommonCloudAttributesAWS

  • CommonCloudAttributesGoogle

    Sets configuration that will put some common cloud-related attributes in the slot ads. Use the version which specifies the cloud you’re using. See Common Cloud Attributes for details.

  • JobsHaveInstanceIDs

    Sets configuration that will cause job ads to track the instance IDs of slots that they ran on (if available).

POLICY category

Describes configuration for the circumstances under which machines choose to run jobs.

  • Always_Run_Jobs

    Always start jobs and run them to completion, without consideration of condor_negotiator generated preemption or suspension. This is the default policy, and it is intended to be used with dedicated resources. If this policy is used together with the Limit_Job_Runtimes policy, order the specification by placing this Always_Run_Jobs policy first.

  • UWCS_Desktop

    This was the default policy before HTCondor version 8.1.6. It is intended to be used with desktop machines not exclusively running HTCondor jobs. It injects UWCS into the name of some configuration variables.

  • Desktop

    An updated and re-implementation of the UWCS_Desktop policy, but without the UWCS naming of some configuration variables.

  • Limit_Job_Runtimes( limit_in_seconds )

    Limits running jobs to a maximum of the specified time using preemption. (The default limit is 24 hours.) This policy does not work while the machine is draining; use the following policy instead.

    If this policy is used together with the Always_Run_Jobs policy, order the specification by placing this Limit_Job_Runtimes policy second.

  • Preempt_if_Runtime_Exceeds( limit_in_seconds )

    Limits running jobs to a maximum of the specified time using preemption. (The default limit is 24 hours).

  • Hold_if_Runtime_Exceeds( limit_in_seconds )

    Limits running jobs to a maximum of the specified time by placing them on hold immediately (ignoring any job retirement time). (The default limit is 24 hours).

  • Preempt_If_Cpus_Exceeded

    If the startd observes the number of CPU cores used by the job exceed the number of cores in the slot by more than 0.8 on average over the past minute, preempt the job immediately ignoring any job retirement time.

  • Hold_If_Cpus_Exceeded

    If the startd observes the number of CPU cores used by the job exceed the number of cores in the slot by more than 0.8 on average over the past minute, immediately place the job on hold ignoring any job retirement time. The job will go on hold with a reasonable hold reason in job attribute HoldReason and a value of 101 in job attribute HoldReasonCode. The hold reason and code can be customized by specifying HOLD_REASON_CPU_EXCEEDED and HOLD_SUBCODE_CPU_EXCEEDED respectively.

  • Preempt_If_Disk_Exceeded

    If the startd observes the amount of disk space used by the job exceed the disk in the slot, preempt the job immediately ignoring any job retirement time.

  • Hold_If_Disk_Exceeded

    If the startd observes the amount of disk space used by the job exceed the disk in the slot, immediately place the job on hold ignoring any job retirement time. The job will go on hold with a reasonable hold reason in job attribute HoldReason and a value of 104 in job attribute HoldReasonCode. The hold reason and code can be customized by specifying HOLD_REASON_DISK_EXCEEDED and HOLD_SUBCODE_DISK_EXCEEDED respectively.

  • Preempt_If_Memory_Exceeded

    If the startd observes the memory usage of the job exceed the memory provisioned in the slot, preempt the job immediately ignoring any job retirement time.

  • Hold_If_Memory_Exceeded

    If the startd observes the memory usage of the job exceed the memory provisioned in the slot, immediately place the job on hold ignoring any job retirement time. The job will go on hold with a reasonable hold reason in job attribute HoldReason and a value of 102 in job attribute HoldReasonCode. The hold reason and code can be customized by specifying HOLD_REASON_MEMORY_EXCEEDED and HOLD_SUBCODE_MEMORY_EXCEEDED respectively.

  • Preempt_If( policy_variable )

    Preempt jobs according to the specified policy. policy_variable must be the name of a configuration macro containing an expression that evaluates to True if the job should be preempted.

    See an example here: Configuration Template Examples.

  • Want_Hold_If( policy_variable, subcode, reason_text )

    Add the given policy to the WANT_HOLD expression; if the WANT_HOLD expression is defined, policy_variable is prepended to the existing expression; otherwise WANT_HOLD is simply set to the value of the policy_variable macro.

    See an example here: Configuration Template Examples.

  • Startd_Publish_CpusUsage

    Publish the number of CPU cores being used by the job into the slot ad as attribute CpusUsage. This value will be the average number of cores used by the job over the past minute, sampling every 5 seconds.

SECURITY category

Describes configuration for an implemented security model.

  • Host_Based

    The default security model (based on IPs and DNS names). Do not combine with User_Based security.

  • User_Based

    Grants permissions to an administrator and uses With_Authentication. Do not combine with Host_Based security.

  • With_Authentication

    Requires both authentication and integrity checks.

  • Strong

    Requires authentication, encryption, and integrity checks.

Configuration Template Transition Syntax

For pools that are transitioning to using this new syntax in configuration, while still having some tools and daemons with HTCondor versions earlier than 8.1.6, special syntax in the configuration will cause those daemons to fail upon start up, rather than use the new, but misinterpreted, syntax. Newer daemons will ignore the extra syntax. Placing the @ character before the use key word causes the older daemons to fail when they attempt to parse this syntax.

As an example, consider the condor_startd as it starts up. A condor_startd previous to HTCondor version 8.1.6 fails to start when it sees:

@use feature : GPUs

Running an older condor_config_val also identifies the @use line as being bad. A condor_startd of HTCondor version 8.1.6 or more recent sees

use feature : GPUs

Configuration Template Examples

  • Preempt a job if its memory usage exceeds the requested memory:

    MEMORY_EXCEEDED = (isDefined(MemoryUsage) && MemoryUsage > RequestMemory)
  • Put a job on hold if its memory usage exceeds the requested memory:

    MEMORY_EXCEEDED = (isDefined(MemoryUsage) && MemoryUsage > RequestMemory)
    use POLICY : WANT_HOLD_IF(MEMORY_EXCEEDED, 102, memory usage exceeded request_memory)
  • Update dynamic GPU information every 15 minutes:

    use FEATURE : StartdCronPeriodic(DYNGPU, 15*60, $(LOCAL_DIR)\, $(LIBEXEC)\condor_gpu_discovery -dynamic)

    where is a simple perl script that strips off the DetectedGPUs line from condor_gpu_discovery:

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    my @attrs = `@ARGV`;
    for (@attrs) {
        next if ($_ =~ /^Detected/i);
        print $_;