
A hook is an external program or script invoked by an HTCondor daemon to change its behavior or implement some policy. There are three kinds of Job hooks in HTCondor: Fetch work job hooks, Prepare Job hooks, and Job Router hooks.

Job Hooks That Fetch Work

In the past, HTCondor has always sent work to the execute machines by pushing jobs to the condor_startd daemon from the condor_schedd daemon. Beginning with the HTCondor version 7.1.0, the condor_startd daemon now has the ability to pull work by fetching jobs via a system of plug-ins or hooks. Any site can configure a set of hooks to fetch work, completely outside of the usual HTCondor matchmaking system.

A projected use of the hook mechanism implements what might be termed a glide-in factory, especially where the factory is behind a firewall. Without using the hook mechanism to fetch work, a glide-in condor_startd daemon behind a firewall depends on CCB to help it listen and eventually receive work pushed from elsewhere. With the hook mechanism, a glide-in condor_startd daemon behind a firewall uses the hook to pull work. The hook needs only an outbound network connection to complete its task, thereby being able to operate from behind the firewall, without the intervention of CCB.

Periodically, each execution slot managed by a condor_startd will invoke a hook to see if there is any work that can be fetched. Whenever this hook returns a valid job, the condor_startd will evaluate the current state of the slot and decide if it should start executing the fetched work. If the slot is unclaimed and the Start expression evaluates to True, a new claim will be created for the fetched job. If the slot is claimed, the condor_startd will evaluate the Rank expression relative to the fetched job, compare it to the value of Rank for the currently running job, and decide if the existing job should be preempted due to the fetched job having a higher rank. If the slot is unavailable for whatever reason, the condor_startd will refuse the fetched job and ignore it. Either way, once the condor_startd decides what it should do with the fetched job, it will invoke another hook to reply to the attempt to fetch work, so that the external system knows what happened to that work unit.

If the job is accepted, a claim is created for it and the slot moves into the Claimed state. As soon as this happens, the condor_startd will spawn a condor_starter to manage the execution of the job. At this point, from the perspective of the condor_startd, this claim is just like any other. The usual policy expressions are evaluated, and if the job needs to be suspended or evicted, it will be. If a higher-ranked job being managed by a condor_schedd is matched with the slot, that job will preempt the fetched work.

The condor_starter itself can optionally invoke additional hooks to help manage the execution of the specific job. There are hooks to prepare or validate the execution environment for the job, periodically update information about the job as it runs, notify when the job exits, and to take special actions when the job is being evicted.

Assuming there are no interruptions, the job completes, and the condor_starter exits, the condor_startd will invoke the hook to fetch work again. If another job is available, the existing claim will be reused and a new condor_starter is spawned. If the hook returns that there is no more work to perform, the claim will be evicted, and the slot will return to the Owner state.

To aid with the development and debugging of hooks, output sent to stderr by the hooks will be preserved in daemon logs of either the condor_starter or condor_startd as appropriate.

Work Fetching Hooks Invoked by HTCondor

There are a handful of hooks invoked by HTCondor related to fetching work, some of which are called by the condor_startd and others by the condor_starter. Each hook is described, including when it is invoked, what task it is supposed to accomplish, what data is passed to the hook, what output is expected, and, when relevant, the exit status expected.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_FETCH_WORK is invoked whenever the condor_startd wants to see if there is any work to fetch. There is a related configuration variable called FetchWorkDelay which determines how long the condor_startd will wait between attempts to fetch work, which is described in detail in Job Hooks That Fetch Work. <Keyword>_HOOK_FETCH_WORK is the most important hook in the whole system, and is the only hook that must be defined for any of the other condor_startd hooks to operate.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    ClassAd of the slot that is looking for work.

    Expected standard output from the hook

    ClassAd of a job that can be run. If there is no work, the hook should return no output.

    User id that the hook runs as

    The <Keyword>_HOOK_FETCH_WORK hook runs with the same privileges as the condor_startd. When Condor was started as root, this is usually the condor user, or the user specified in the CONDOR_IDS configuration variable.

    Exit status of the hook


    The job ClassAd returned by the hook needs to contain enough information for the condor_starter to eventually spawn the work. The required and optional attributes in this ClassAd are listed here:

    Attributes for a FetchWork application are either required or optional. The following attributes are required:


    This attribute defines the full path to the executable program to be run as a FetchWork application. Since HTCondor does not currently provide any mechanism to transfer files on behalf of FetchWork applications, this path should be a valid path on the machine where the application will be run. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“). There is no default.


    If the condor_startd daemon is executing as root on the resource where a FetchWork application will run, the user must also define Owner to specify what user name the application will run as. On Windows, the condor_startd daemon always runs as an Administrator service, which is equivalent to running as root on Unix platforms. Owner must contain a valid user name on the given FetchWork resource. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“).


    Required when running on a condor_startd that uses partitionable slots. It specifies the number of CPU cores from the partitionable slot allocated for this job.


    Required when running on a condor_startd that uses partitionable slots. It specifies the disk space, in Megabytes, from the partitionable slot allocated for this job.


    Required when running on a condor_startd that uses partitionable slots. It specifies the memory, in Megabytes, from the partitionable slot allocated for this job.

    The following list of attributes are optional:


    This attribute defines what HTCondor job universe to use for the given FetchWork application. The only tested universes are vanilla and java. This attribute must be an integer, with vanilla using the value 5, and java using the value 10.


    IWD is an acronym for Initial Working Directory. It defines the full path to the directory where a given FetchWork application are to be run. Unless the application changes its current working directory, any relative path names used by the application will be relative to the IWD. If any other attributes that define file names (for example, In, Out, and so on) do not contain a full path, the IWD will automatically be pre-pended to those file names. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“). If the IWD is not specified, the temporary execution sandbox created by the condor_starter will be used as the initial working directory.


    This string defines the path to the file on the FetchWork resource that should be used as standard input (stdin) for the FetchWork application. This file (and all parent directories) must be readable by whatever user the FetchWork application will run as. If not specified, the default is /dev/null. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“).


    This string defines the path to the file on the FetchWork resource that should be used as standard output (stdout) for the FetchWork application. This file must be writable (and all parent directories readable) by whatever user the FetchWork application will run as. If not specified, the default is /dev/null. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“).


    This string defines the path to the file on the FetchWork resource that should be used as standard error (stderr) for the FetchWork application. This file must be writable (and all parent directories readable) by whatever user the FetchWork application will run as. If not specified, the default is /dev/null. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“).


    This string defines environment variables to set for a given FetchWork application. Each environment variable has the form NAME=value. Multiple variables are delimited with a semicolon. An example: Env = “PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin;TERM=vt100” It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“).


    This string attribute defines the list of arguments to be supplied to the program on the command-line. The arguments are delimited (separated) by space characters. There is no default. If the JobUniverse corresponds to the Java universe, the first argument must be the name of the class containing main. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“).


    This string attribute is only used if JobUniverse is 10 (the Java universe). If a given FetchWork application is a Java program, specify the JAR files that the program requires with this attribute. There is no default. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“). Multiple file names may be delimited with either commas or white space characters, and therefore, file names can not contain spaces.


    This attribute specifies what signal should be sent whenever the HTCondor system needs to gracefully shutdown the FetchWork application. It can either be specified as a string containing the signal name (for example KillSig = “SIGQUIT”), or as an integer (KillSig = 3) The default is to use SIGTERM.


    This string specifies a file name for a log file that the condor_starter daemon can write with entries for relevant events in the life of a given FetchWork application. It is similar to the job event log file specified for regular HTCondor jobs with the Log command in a submit description file. However, certain attributes that are placed in a job event log do not make sense in the FetchWork environment, and are therefore omitted. The default is not to write this log file. It is a string attribute, and must therefore be enclosed in quotation marks (“).


    If the StarterUserLog attribute is defined, the default format is a human-readable format. However, HTCondor can write out this log in an XML representation, instead. To enable the XML format for this job event log, the StarterUserLogUseXML boolean is set to TRUE. The default if not specified is FALSE.

    If any attribute that specifies a path (Cmd, In, Out,Err, StarterUserLog) is not a full path name, HTCondor automatically prepends the value of IWD.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_REPLY_FETCH is invoked whenever <Keyword>_HOOK_FETCH_WORK returns data and the condor_startd decides if it is going to accept the fetched job or not.

    The condor_startd will not wait for this hook to return before taking other actions, and it ignores all output. The hook is simply advisory, and it has no impact on the behavior of the condor_startd.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook

    Either the string accept or reject.

    Standard input given to the hook

    A copy of the job ClassAd and the slot ClassAd (separated by the string —– and a new line).

    Expected standard output from the hook


    User id that the hook runs as

    The <Keyword>_HOOK_REPLY_FETCH hook runs with the same privileges as the condor_startd. When Condor was started as root, this is usually the condor user, or the user specified in the CONDOR_IDS configuration variable.

    Exit status of the hook


  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_EVICT_CLAIM is invoked whenever the condor_startd needs to evict a claim representing fetched work.

    The condor_startd will not wait for this hook to return before taking other actions, and ignores all output. The hook is simply advisory, and has no impact on the behavior of the condor_startd.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    A copy of the job ClassAd and the slot ClassAd (separated by the string —– and a new line).

    Expected standard output from the hook


    User id that the hook runs as

    The <Keyword>_HOOK_EVICT_CLAIM hook runs with the same privileges as the condor_startd. When Condor was started as root, this is usually the condor user, or the user specified in the CONDOR_IDS configuration variable.

    Exit status of the hook


Keywords to Define Job Fetch Hooks in the HTCondor Configuration files

Hooks are defined in the HTCondor configuration files by prefixing the name of the hook with a keyword. This way, a given machine can have multiple sets of hooks, each set identified by a specific keyword.

Each slot on the machine can define a separate keyword for the set of hooks that should be used with SLOT<N>_JOB_HOOK_KEYWORD . For example, on slot 1, the variable name will be called SLOT1_JOB_HOOK_KEYWORD. If the slot-specific keyword is not defined, the condor_startd will use a global keyword as defined by STARTD_JOB_HOOK_KEYWORD .

Once a job is fetched via <Keyword>_HOOK_FETCH_WORK , the condor_startd will insert the keyword used to fetch that job into the job ClassAd as HookKeyword. This way, the same keyword will be used to select the hooks invoked by the condor_starter during the actual execution of the job. The STARTER_DEFAULT_JOB_HOOK_KEYWORD config knob can define a default hook keyword to use in the event that keyword defined by the job is invalid or not specified. Alternatively, the STARTER_JOB_HOOK_KEYWORD can be defined to force the condor_starter to always use a given keyword for its own hooks, regardless of the value in the job ClassAd for the HookKeyword attribute.

For example, the following configuration defines two sets of hooks, and on a machine with 4 slots, 3 of the slots use the global keyword for running work from a database-driven system, and one of the slots uses a custom keyword to handle work fetched from a web service.

# Most slots fetch and run work from the database system.

# Slot4 fetches and runs work from a web service.

# The database system needs to both provide work and know the reply
# for each attempted claim.
DATABASE_HOOK_DIR = /usr/local/condor/fetch/database

# The web system only needs to fetch work.
WEB_HOOK_DIR = /usr/local/condor/fetch/web
WEB_HOOK_FETCH_WORK = $(WEB_HOOK_DIR)/fetch_work.php

The keywords "DATABASE" and "WEB" are completely arbitrary, so each site is encouraged to use different (more specific) names as appropriate for their own needs.

Defining the FetchWorkDelay Expression

There are two events that trigger the condor_startd to attempt to fetch new work:

  • the condor_startd evaluates its own state

  • the condor_starter exits after completing some fetched work

Even if a given compute slot is already busy running other work, it is possible that if it fetched new work, the condor_startd would prefer this newly fetched work (via the Rank expression) over the work it is currently running. However, the condor_startd frequently evaluates its own state, especially when a slot is claimed. Therefore, administrators can define a configuration variable which controls how long the condor_startd will wait between attempts to fetch new work. This variable is called FetchWorkDelay .

The FetchWorkDelay expression must evaluate to an integer, which defines the number of seconds since the last fetch attempt completed before the condor_startd will attempt to fetch more work. However, as a ClassAd expression (evaluated in the context of the ClassAd of the slot considering if it should fetch more work, and the ClassAd of the currently running job, if any), the length of the delay can be based on the current state the slot and even the currently running job.

For example, a common configuration would be to always wait 5 minutes (300 seconds) between attempts to fetch work, unless the slot is Claimed/Idle, in which case the condor_startd should fetch immediately:

FetchWorkDelay = ifThenElse(State == "Claimed" && Activity == "Idle", 0, 300)

If the condor_startd wants to fetch work, but the time since the last attempted fetch is shorter than the current value of the delay expression, the condor_startd will set a timer to fetch as soon as the delay expires.

If this expression is not defined, the condor_startd will default to a five minute (300 second) delay between all attempts to fetch work.

Job Hooks That Modify and Monitor Execution

The Job ClassAd can be modified before execution, and the progress of the job can be modified using hooks. These hooks are executed by the condor_starter and can be used with or without using Fetch Work hooks.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_PREPARE_JOB_BEFORE_TRANSFER is invoked by the condor_starter immediately before transferring the job’s input files. This hook provides a chance to execute commands to set up or validate the job environment, and/or edit the job classad that is used by the condor_starter.

    The condor_starter waits until this hook returns before attempting to transfer the input files for the job. If the hook returns a non-zero exit status, the condor_starter will assume an error was reached while attempting to set up the job environment and abort the job.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    A copy of the job ClassAd.

    Expected standard output from the hook

    A set of attributes to insert or update into the job ad. For example, changing the Cmd attribute to a quoted string changes the executable to be run. Two special attributes can also be specified: HookStatusCode and HookStatusMessage. HookStatusCode, if specified and is not a negative number, will be used instead of the exit status of the hook unless the hook process exited due to a signal. A status code of 0 is success, and a positive integer indicates failure. A status code between 1 and 299 (inclusive) will result in the job going on hold; 300 or greater will result in the job going back to the Idle state. The HookStatusMessage will be echoed into the job’s event log file, and also be used as the Hold Reason string if the job is placed on hold.

    User id that the hook runs as

    The <Keyword>_HOOK_PREPARE_JOB hook runs with the same privileges as the job itself. If slot users are defined, the hook runs as the slot user, just as the job does.

    Exit status of the hook

    0 for success preparing the job, any non-zero value on failure.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_PREPARE_JOB is invoked by the condor_starter before a job is going to be run but after the job’s input files have been transferred. This hook provides a chance to execute commands to set up or validate the job environment, and/or edit the job classad that is used by the condor_starter.

    The condor_starter waits until this hook returns before attempting to execute the job. If the hook returns a non-zero exit status, the condor_starter will assume an error was reached while attempting to set up the job environment and abort the job.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    A copy of the job ClassAd.

    Expected standard output from the hook

    A set of attributes to insert or update into the job ad. For example, changing the Cmd attribute to a quoted string changes the executable to be run. Two special attributes can also be specified: HookStatusCode and HookStatusMessage. HookStatusCode, if specified and is not a negative number, will be used instead of the exit status of the hook unless the hook process exited due to a signal. A status code of 0 is success, and a positive integer indicates failure. A status code between 1 and 299 (inclusive) will result in the job going on hold; 300 or greater will result in the job going back to the Idle state. The HookStatusMessage will be echoed into the job’s event log file, and also be used as the Hold Reason string if the job is placed on hold.

    User id that the hook runs as

    The <Keyword>_HOOK_PREPARE_JOB hook runs with the same privileges as the job itself. If slot users are defined, the hook runs as the slot user, just as the job does.

    Exit status of the hook

    0 for success preparing the job, any non-zero value on failure.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_UPDATE_JOB_INFO is invoked periodically during the life of the job to update information about the status of the job. When the job is first spawned, the condor_starter will invoke this hook after STARTER_INITIAL_UPDATE_INTERVAL seconds (defaults to 8). Thereafter, the condor_starter will invoke the hook every STARTER_UPDATE_INTERVAL seconds (defaults to 300, which is 5 minutes).

    The condor_starter will not wait for this hook to return before taking other actions, and ignores all output. The hook is simply advisory, and has no impact on the behavior of the condor_starter.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    A copy of the job ClassAd that has been augmented with additional attributes describing the current status and execution behavior of the job.

    The additional attributes included inside the job ClassAd are:


    The current state of the job. Can be either "Running" or "Suspended".


    The process identifier for the initial job directly spawned by the condor_starter.


    The number of processes that the job has currently spawned.


    The epoch time when the job was first spawned by the condor_starter.


    The total number of seconds of system CPU time (the time spent at system calls) the job has used.


    The total number of seconds of user CPU time the job has used.


    The memory image size of the job in Kbytes.

    Expected standard output from the hook


    User id that the hook runs as

    The <Keyword>_HOOK_UPDATE_JOB_INFO hook runs with the same privileges as the job itself.

    Exit status of the hook


  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_JOB_EXIT is invoked by the condor_starter whenever a job exits, either on its own or when being evicted from an execution slot.

    The condor_starter will wait for this hook to return before taking any other actions. In the case of jobs that are being managed by a condor_shadow, this hook is invoked before the condor_starter does its own optional file transfer back to the submission machine, writes to the local job event log file, or notifies the condor_shadow that the job has exited.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook

    A string describing how the job exited:

    • exit The job exited or died with a signal on its own.

    • remove The job was removed with condor_rm or as the result of user job policy expressions (for example, PeriodicRemove).

    • hold The job was held with condor_hold or the user job policy expressions (for example, PeriodicHold).

    • evict The job was evicted from the execution slot for any other reason (PREEMPT evaluated to TRUE in the condor_startd, condor_vacate, condor_off, etc).

    Standard input given to the hook

    A copy of the job ClassAd that has been augmented with additional attributes describing the execution behavior of the job and its final results.

    The job ClassAd passed to this hook contains all of the extra attributes described above for <Keyword>_HOOK_UPDATE_JOB_INFO , and the following additional attributes that are only present once a job exits:


    A human-readable string describing why the job exited.


    A boolean indicating if the job exited due to being killed by a signal, or if it exited with an exit status.


    If ExitBySignal is true, the signal number that killed the job.


    If ExitBySignal is false, the integer exit code of the job.


    The number of seconds that the job ran during this invocation.

    Expected standard output from the hook


    User id that the hook runs as

    The <Keyword>_HOOK_JOB_EXIT hook runs with the same privileges as the job itself.

    Exit status of the hook


Example Hook: Specifying the Executable at Execution Time

The availability of multiple versions of an application leads to the need to specify one of the versions. As an example, consider that the java universe utilizes a single, fixed JVM. There may be multiple JVMs available, and the HTCondor job may need to make the choice of JVM version. The use of a job hook solves this problem. The job does not use the java universe, and instead uses the vanilla universe in combination with a prepare job hook to overwrite the Cmd attribute of the job ClassAd. This attribute is the name of the executable the condor_starter daemon will invoke, thereby selecting the specific JVM installation.

In the configuration of the execute machine:

JAVA5_HOOK_PREPARE_JOB = $(LIBEXEC)/java5_prepare_hook

With this configuration, a job that sets the HookKeyword attribute with

+HookKeyword = "JAVA5"

in the submit description file causes the condor_starter will run the hook specified by JAVA5_HOOK_PREPARE_JOB before running this job. Note that the double quote marks are required to correctly define the attribute. Any output from this hook is an update to the job ClassAd. Therefore, the hook that changes the executable may be


# Read and discard the job ClassAd
cat > /dev/null
echo 'Cmd = "/usr/java/java5/bin/java"'

If some machines in your pool have this hook and others do not, this fact should be advertised. Add to the configuration of every execute machine that has the hook:

HasJava5PrepareHook = True

The submit description file for this example job may be

universe = vanilla
executable = /usr/bin/java
arguments = Hello
# match with a machine that has the hook
requirements = HasJava5PrepareHook

should_transfer_files = always
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
transfer_input_files = Hello.class

output = hello.out
error  = hello.err
log    = hello.log



Note that the requirements command ensures that this job matches with a machine that has JAVA5_HOOK_PREPARE_JOB defined.

Hooks for the Job Router

Job Router Hooks allow for an alternate transformation and/or monitoring than the condor_job_router daemon implements. Routing is still managed by the condor_job_router daemon, but if the Job Router Hooks are specified, then these hooks will be used to transform and monitor the job instead.

Job Router Hooks are similar in concept to Fetch Work Hooks, but they are limited in their scope. A hook is an external program or script invoked by the condor_job_router daemon at various points during the life cycle of a routed job.

The following sections describe how and when these hooks are used, what hooks are invoked at various stages of the job’s life, and how to configure HTCondor to use these Hooks.

Hooks Invoked for Job Routing

The Job Router Hooks allow for replacement of the transformation engine used by HTCondor for routing a job. Since the external transformation engine is not controlled by HTCondor, additional hooks provide a means to update the job’s status in HTCondor, and to clean up upon exit or failure cases. This allows one job to be transformed to just about any other type of job that HTCondor supports, as well as to use execution nodes not normally available to HTCondor.

It is important to note that if the Job Router Hooks are utilized, then HTCondor will not ignore or work around a failure in any hook execution. If a hook is configured, then HTCondor assumes its invocation is required and will not continue by falling back to a part of its internal engine. For example, if there is a problem transforming the job using the hooks, HTCondor will not fall back on its transformation accomplished without the hook to process the job.

There are 2 ways in which the Job Router Hooks may be enabled. A job’s submit description file may cause the hooks to be invoked with

+HookKeyword = "HOOKNAME"

Adding this attribute to the job’s ClassAd causes the condor_job_router daemon on the access point to invoke hooks prefixed with the defined keyword. HOOKNAME is a string chosen as an example; any string may be used.

The job’s ClassAd attribute definition of HookKeyword takes precedence, but if not present, hooks may be enabled by defining on the access point the configuration variable


Like the example attribute above, HOOKNAME represents a chosen name for the hook, replaced as desired or appropriate.

There are 4 hooks that the Job Router can be configured to use. Each hook will be described below along with data passed to the hook and expected output. All hooks must exit successfully.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_TRANSLATE_JOB is invoked when the Job Router has determined that a job meets the definition for a route. This hook is responsible for doing the transformation of the job and configuring any resources that are external to HTCondor if applicable.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    The first line will be the information on route that the job matched including the route name. This information will be formatted as a classad. If the route has a TargetUniverse or GridResource they will be included in the classad. The route information classad will be followed by a separator line of dashes like ------ followed by a newline. The remainder of the input will be the job ClassAd.

    Expected standard output from the hook

    The transformed job.

    Exit status of the hook

    0 for success, any non-zero value on failure.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_UPDATE_JOB_INFO is invoked to provide status on the specified routed job when the Job Router polls the status of routed jobs at intervals set by JOB_ROUTER_POLLING_PERIOD .

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    The routed job ClassAd that is to be updated.

    Expected standard output from the hook

    The job attributes to be updated in the routed job, or nothing, if there was no update. To prevent clashing with HTCondor’s management of job attributes, only attributes that are not managed by HTCondor should be output from this hook.

    Exit status of the hook

    0 for success, any non-zero value on failure.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_JOB_FINALIZE is invoked when the Job Router has found that the job has completed. Any output from the hook is treated as an update to the source job.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    The source job ClassAd, followed by the routed copy Classad that completed, separated by the string “——” and a new line.

    Expected standard output from the hook

    An updated source job ClassAd, or nothing if there was no update.

    Exit status of the hook

    0 for success, any non-zero value on failure.

  • The hook defined by the configuration variable <Keyword>_HOOK_JOB_CLEANUP is invoked when the Job Router finishes managing the job. This hook will be invoked regardless of whether the job completes successfully or not, and must exit successfully.

    Command-line arguments passed to the hook


    Standard input given to the hook

    The job ClassAd that the Job Router is done managing.

    Expected standard output from the hook


    Exit status of the hook

    0 for success, any non-zero value on failure.