Submitting Jobs Without a Shared File System: HTCondor’s File Transfer Mechanism

HTCondor works well without a shared file system between the submit machines and the worker nodes. The HTCondor file transfer mechanism allows the user to explicitly select which input files are transferred to the worker node before the job starts. HTCondor will transfer these files, potentially delaying this transfer request, if starting the transfer right away would overload the access point. Queueing requests like this prevents the crashes so common with too-busy shared file servers. These input files are placed into a scratch directory on the worker node, which is the starting current directory of the job. When the job completes, by default, HTCondor detects any newly-created files at the top level of this sandbox directory, and transfers them back to the submitting machine. The input sandbox is what we call the executable and all the declared input files of a job. The set of all files created by the job is the output sandbox.

Specifying If and When to Transfer Files

To enable the file transfer mechanism, place this command in the job’s submit description file: should_transfer_files

should_transfer_files = YES

Setting the should_transfer_files command explicitly enables or disables the file transfer mechanism. The command takes on one of three possible values:

  1. YES: HTCondor transfers the input sandbox from the access point to the execute machine. The output sandbox is transferred back to the access point. The command when_to_transfer_output . controls when the output sandbox is transferred back, and what directory it is stored in.

  2. IF_NEEDED: HTCondor only transfers sandboxes when the job is matched with a machine in a different FileSystemDomain than the one the access point belongs to, as if should_transfer_files = YES. If the job is matched with a machine in the same FileSystemDomain as the submitting machine, HTCondor will not transfer files and relies on the shared file system.

  3. NO: HTCondor’s file transfer mechanism is disabled. In this case is is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all data used by the job is accessible on the remote worker node.

The when_to_transfer_output command tells HTCondor when output files are to be transferred back to the access point. The command takes on one of three possible values:

  1. ON_EXIT (the default): HTCondor transfers the output sandbox back to the access point only when the job exits on its own. If the job is preempted or removed, no files are transferred back.

  2. ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT: HTCondor behaves the same as described for the value ON_EXIT when the job exits on its own. However, each time the job is evicted from a machine, the output sandbox is transferred back to the access point and placed under the SPOOL directory. eviction time. Before the job starts running again, the former output sandbox is copied to the job’s new remote scratch directory.

    If transfer_output_files is specified, this list governs which files are transferred back at eviction time. If a file listed in transfer_output_files does not exist at eviction time, the job will go on hold.

    The purpose of saving files at eviction time is to allow the job to resume from where it left off.

  3. ON_SUCCESS: HTCondor transfers files like ON_EXIT, but only if the job succeeds, as defined by the success_exit_code submit command. The success_exit_code command must be used, even for the default exit code of 0. (See the condor_submit man page.)

The default values for these two submit commands make sense as used together. If only should_transfer_files is set, and set to the value NO, then no output files will be transferred, and the value of when_to_transfer_output is irrelevant. If only when_to_transfer_output is set, and set to the value ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT, then the default value for an unspecified should_transfer_files will be YES.

Note that the combination of

should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT

would produce undefined file access semantics. Therefore, this combination is prohibited by condor_submit.

Specifying What Files to Transfer

If the file transfer mechanism is enabled, HTCondor will transfer the following files before the job is run on a remote machine as the input sandbox:

  1. the executable, as defined with the executable command

  2. the input, as defined with the input command

  3. any jar files, for the java universe, as defined with the jar_files command

If the job requires other input files, the submit description file should have the transfer_input_files command. This comma-separated list specifies any other files, URLs, or directories that HTCondor is to transfer to the remote scratch directory, to set up the execution environment for the job before it is run. These files are placed in the same directory as the job’s executable. For example:

executable = my_program
input = my_input
should_transfer_files = YES
transfer_input_files = file1,file2

This example explicitly enables the file transfer mechanism. By default, HTCondor will transfer the executable (my_program) and the file specified by the input command (my_input). The files file1 and file2 are also transferred, by explicit user instruction.

If the file transfer mechanism is enabled, HTCondor will transfer the following files from the execute machine back to the access point after the job exits, as the output sandbox.

  1. the output file, as defined with the output command

  2. the error file, as defined with the error command

  3. any files created by the job in the remote scratch directory.

A path given for output and error commands represents a path on the access point. If no path is specified, the directory specified with initialdir is used, and if that is not specified, the directory from which the job was submitted is used. At the time the job is submitted, zero-length files are created on the access point, at the given path for the files defined by the output and error commands. This permits job submission failure, if these files cannot be written by HTCondor.

To restrict the output files or permit entire directory contents to be transferred, specify the exact list with transfer_output_files . When this comma separated list is defined, and any of the files or directories do not exist as the job exits, HTCondor considers this an error, and places the job on hold. Setting transfer_output_files to the empty string (“”) means no files are to be transferred. When this list is defined, automatic detection of output files created by the job is disabled. Paths specified in this list refer to locations on the execute machine. The naming and placement of files and directories relies on the term base name. By example, the path a/b/c has the base name c. It is the file name or directory name with all directories leading up to that name stripped off. On the access point, the transferred files or directories are named using only the base name. Therefore, each output file or directory must have a different name, even if they originate from different paths.

If only a subset of the output sandbox should be transferred, the subset is specified by further adding a submit command of the form:

transfer_output_files = file1, file2

Here are examples of file transfer with HTCondor. Assume that the job produces the following structure within the remote scratch directory:

d1 (directory)

If the submit description file sets

transfer_output_files = o1,o2,d1

then transferred back to the access point will be

d1 (directory)

Note that the directory d1 and all its contents are specified, and therefore transferred. If the directory d1 is not created by the job before exit, then the job is placed on hold. If the directory d1 is created by the job before exit, but is empty, this is not an error.

If, instead, the submit description file sets

transfer_output_files = o1,o2,d1/o3

then transferred back to the access point will be


Note that only the base name is used in the naming and placement of the file specified with d1/o3.

File Paths for File Transfer

The file transfer mechanism specifies file names or URLs on the file system of the access point and file names on the execute machine. Care must be taken to know which machine, submit or execute, is referencing the file.

Files in the transfer_input_files command are specified as they are accessed on the access point. The job, as it executes, accesses files as they are found on the execute machine.

There are four ways to specify files and paths for transfer_input_files :

  1. Relative to the current working directory as the job is submitted, if the submit command initialdir is not specified.

  2. Relative to the initial directory, if the submit command initialdir is specified.

  3. Absolute file paths.

  4. As an URL, which should be accessible by the execute machine.

Before executing the program, HTCondor copies the input sandbox into a remote scratch directory on the execute machine, where the program runs. Therefore, the executing program must access input files relative to its working directory. Because all files and directories listed for transfer are placed into a single, flat directory, inputs must be uniquely named to avoid collision when transferred.

A job may instead set preserve_relative_paths (to True), in which case the relative paths of transferred files are preserved. For example, although the input list dirA/file1, dirB/file1 would normally result in a collision, instead HTCondor will create the directories dirA and dirB in the input sandbox, and each will get its corresponding version of file1.

Both relative and absolute paths may be used in transfer_output_files . Relative paths are relative to the job’s remote scratch directory on the execute machine. When the files and directories are copied back to the access point, they are placed in the job’s initial working directory as the base name of the original path. An alternate name or path may be specified by using transfer_output_remaps .

The preserve_relative_paths command also applies to relative paths specified in transfer_output_files (if not remapped).

A job may create files outside the remote scratch directory but within the file system of the execute machine, in a directory such as /tmp, if this directory is guaranteed to exist and be accessible on all possible execute machines. However, HTCondor will not automatically transfer such files back after execution completes, nor will it clean up these files.

Here are several examples to illustrate the use of file transfer. The program executable is called my_program, and it uses three command-line arguments as it executes: two input file names and an output file name. The program executable and the submit description file for this job are located in directory /scratch/test.

Here is the directory tree as it exists on the access point, for all the examples:

/scratch/test (directory)
      my_program.condor (the submit description file)
      my_program (the executable)
      files (directory)
          logs2 (directory)
          in1 (file)
          in2 (file)
      logs (directory)

Example 1

This first example explicitly transfers input files. These input files to be transferred are specified relative to the directory where the job is submitted. An output file specified in the arguments command, out1, is created when the job is executed. It will be transferred back into the directory /scratch/test.

# file name:  my_program.condor
# HTCondor submit description file for my_program
executable      = my_program
universe        = vanilla
error           = logs/err.$(cluster)
output          = logs/out.$(cluster)
log             = logs/log.$(cluster)

should_transfer_files = YES
transfer_input_files = files/in1,files/in2

arguments       = in1 in2 out1

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


The log file is written on the access point, and is not involved with the file transfer mechanism.

Example 2

This second example is identical to Example 1, except that absolute paths to the input files are specified, instead of relative paths to the input files.

# file name:  my_program.condor
# HTCondor submit description file for my_program
executable      = my_program
universe        = vanilla
error           = logs/err.$(cluster)
output          = logs/out.$(cluster)
log             = logs/log.$(cluster)

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = /scratch/test/files/in1,/scratch/test/files/in2

arguments       = in1 in2 out1

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


Example 3

This third example illustrates the use of the submit command initialdir , and its effect on the paths used for the various files. The expected location of the executable is not affected by the initialdir command. All other files (specified by input , output , error , transfer_input_files , as well as files modified or created by the job and automatically transferred back) are located relative to the specified initialdir . Therefore, the output file, out1, will be placed in the files directory. Note that the logs2 directory exists to make this example work correctly.

# file name:  my_program.condor
# HTCondor submit description file for my_program
executable      = my_program
universe        = vanilla
error           = logs2/err.$(cluster)
output          = logs2/out.$(cluster)
log             = logs2/log.$(cluster)

initialdir      = files

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = in1,in2

arguments       = in1 in2 out1

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


Example 4 - Illustrates an Error

This example illustrates a job that will fail. The files specified using the transfer_input_files command work correctly (see Example 1). However, relative paths to files in the arguments command cause the executing program to fail. The file system on the submission side may utilize relative paths to files, however those files are placed into the single, flat, remote scratch directory on the execute machine.

# file name:  my_program.condor
# HTCondor submit description file for my_program
executable      = my_program
universe        = vanilla
error           = logs/err.$(cluster)
output          = logs/out.$(cluster)
log             = logs/log.$(cluster)

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = files/in1,files/in2

arguments       = files/in1 files/in2 files/out1

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


This example fails with the following error:

err: files/out1: No such file or directory.

Example 5 - Illustrates an Error

As with Example 4, this example illustrates a job that will fail. The executing program’s use of absolute paths cannot work.

# file name:  my_program.condor
# HTCondor submit description file for my_program
executable      = my_program
universe        = vanilla
error           = logs/err.$(cluster)
output          = logs/out.$(cluster)
log             = logs/log.$(cluster)

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = /scratch/test/files/in1, /scratch/test/files/in2

arguments = /scratch/test/files/in1 /scratch/test/files/in2 /scratch/test/files/out1

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


The job fails with the following error:

err: /scratch/test/files/out1: No such file or directory.

Example 6

This example illustrates a case where the executing program creates an output file in a directory other than within the remote scratch directory that the program executes within. The file creation may or may not cause an error, depending on the existence and permissions of the directories on the remote file system.

The output file /tmp/out1 is transferred back to the job’s initial working directory as /scratch/test/out1.

# file name:  my_program.condor
# HTCondor submit description file for my_program
executable      = my_program
universe        = vanilla
error           = logs/err.$(cluster)
output          = logs/out.$(cluster)
log             = logs/log.$(cluster)

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

transfer_input_files = files/in1,files/in2
transfer_output_files = /tmp/out1

arguments       = in1 in2 /tmp/out1
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


Dataflow Jobs

A dataflow job is a job that might not need to run because its desired outputs already exist. To skip such a job, add the following line to your submit file:

skip_if_dataflow = True

A dataflow job meets any of the following criteria:

  • Output files exist, are newer than input files

  • Execute file is newer than input files

  • Standard input file is newer than input files

Skipping dataflow jobs can potentially save large amounts of time in long-running workflows.

Public Input Files

There are some cases where HTCondor’s file transfer mechanism is inefficient. For jobs that need to run a large number of times, the input files need to get transferred for every job, even if those files are identical. This wastes resources on both the access point and the network, slowing overall job execution time.

Public input files allow a user to specify files to be transferred over a publicly-available HTTP web service. A system administrator can then configure caching proxies, load balancers, and other tools to dramatically improve performance. Public input files are not available by default, and need to be explicitly enabled by a system administrator.

To specify files that use this feature, the submit file should include a public_input_files command. This comma-separated list specifies files which HTCondor will transfer using the HTTP mechanism. For example:

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = file1,file2
public_input_files = public_data1,public_data2

Similar to the regular transfer_input_files , the files specified in public_input_files can be relative to the submit directory, or absolute paths. You can also specify an initialDir , and condor_submit will look for files relative to that directory. The files must be world-readable on the file system (files with permissions set to 0644, directories with permissions set to 0755).

Lastly, all files transferred using this method will be publicly available and world-readable, so this feature should not be used for any sensitive data.

Behavior for Error Cases

This section describes HTCondor’s behavior for some error cases in dealing with the transfer of files.

Disk Full on Execute Machine

When transferring any files from the access point to the remote scratch directory, if the disk is full on the execute machine, then the job is place on hold.

Error Creating Zero-Length Files on Submit Machine

As a job is submitted, HTCondor creates zero-length files as placeholders on the access point for the files defined by output and error . If these files cannot be created, then job submission fails.

This job submission failure avoids having the job run to completion, only to be unable to transfer the job’s output due to permission errors.

Error When Transferring Files from Execute Machine to Submit Machine

When a job exits, or potentially when a job is evicted from an execute machine, one or more files may be transferred from the execute machine back to the machine on which the job was submitted.

During transfer, if any of the following three similar types of errors occur, the job is put on hold as the error occurs.

  1. If the file cannot be opened on the access point, for example because the system is out of inodes.

  2. If the file cannot be written on the access point, for example because the permissions do not permit it.

  3. If the write of the file on the access point fails, for example because the system is out of disk space.

File Transfer Using a URL

Instead of file transfer that goes only between the access point and the execute machine, HTCondor has the ability to transfer files from a location specified by a URL for a job’s input file, or from the execute machine to a location specified by a URL for a job’s output file(s). This capability requires administrative set up, as described in the Third Party/Delegated file and credential transfer section.

URL file transfers work in most HTCondor job universes, but not grid, local or scheduler. HTCondor’s file transfer mechanism must be enabled. Therefore, the submit description file for the job will define both should_transfer_files and when_to_transfer_output . In addition, the URL for any files specified with a URL are given in the transfer_input_files command. An example portion of the submit description file for a job that has a single file specified with a URL:

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = http://www.full.url/path/to/filename

The destination file is given by the file name within the URL.

For the transfer of the entire contents of the output sandbox, which are all files that the job creates or modifies, HTCondor’s file transfer mechanism must be enabled. In this sample portion of the submit description file, the first two commands explicitly enable file transfer, and the added output_destination command provides both the protocol to be used and the destination of the transfer.

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
output_destination = urltype://path/to/destination/directory

Note that with this feature, no files are transferred back to the submit machine. This does not interfere with the streaming of output.

Uploading to URLs using output file remaps

File transfer plugins now support uploads as well as downloads. The transfer_output_remaps attribute can additionally be used to upload files to specific URLs when a job completes. To do this, set the destination for an output file to a URL instead of a filename. For example:

transfer_output_remaps = "myresults.dat ="

We use a HTTP PUT request to perform the upload, so the user is responsible for making sure that the destination server accepts PUT requests (which is usually disabled by default).

Passing a credential for URL file transfers

Some files served over HTTPS will require a credential in order to download. Each credential cred should be placed in a file in $_CONDOR_CREDS/cred.use. Then in order to use that credential for a download, append its name to the beginning of the URL protocol along with a + symbol. For example, to download the file using the cred credential, specify the following in the submit file:

transfer_input_files = cred+

If your credential file has an underscore in it, the underscore must be replaced in the transfer_input_files URL with a “.”, e.g. for $_CONDOR_CREDS/cred_local.use:

transfer_input_files = cred.local+

Otherwise, the credential file must have a name that only contains alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and/or -, except for the . in the `.use extension.

If you’re using a token from an OAuth service provider, the credential will be named based on the OAuth provider. For example, if your submit file has use_oauth_services = mytokens, you can request files using that token by doing:

use_oauth_services = mytokens

transfer_input_files = mytokens+

If you add an optional handle to the token name, append the handle name to the token name in the URL with a “.”:

use_oauth_services = mytokens
mytokens_oauth_permissions_personal =
mytokens_oauth_permissions_group =

transfer_input_files = mytokens.personal+,

Note that in the above token-with-a-handle case, the token files will be stored in the job environment at $_CONDOR_CREDS/mytokens_personal.use and $_CONDOR_CREDS/mytokens_group.use.

Transferring files using file transfer plugins

HTCondor comes with file transfer plugins that can communicate with, Google Drive, Stash Cache, OSDF, and Microsoft OneDrive. Using one of these plugins requires that the HTCondor pool administrator has set up the mechanism for HTCondor to gather credentials for the desired service, and requires that your submit file contains the proper commands to obtain credentials from the desired service (see Jobs That Require Credentials).

To use a file transfer plugin, substitute https in a transfer URL with the service name (box for, stash for Stash Cache, osdf for OSDF, gdrive for Google Drive, and onedrive for Microsoft OneDrive) and reference a file path starting at the root directory of the service. For example, to download bar.txt from a account where bar.txt is in the foo folder, use:

use_oauth_services = box
transfer_input_files = box://foo/bar.txt

If your job requests multiple credentials from the same service, use <handle>+<service>://path/to/file to reference each specific credential. For example, for a job that uses Google Drive to download public_files/input.txt from one account (public) and to upload output.txt to my_private_files/output.txt on a second account (private):

use_oauth_services = gdrive
gdrive_oauth_permissions_public =
gdrive_oauth_permissions_private =

transfer_input_files = public+gdrive://public_files/input.txt
transfer_output_remaps = "output.txt = private+gdrive://my_private_files/output.txt"

Transferring files using the S3 protocol

HTCondor supports downloading files from and uploading files to storage servers using the S3 protocol via s3:// URLs. Downloading or uploading requires a two-part credential: the “access key ID” and the “secret key ID”. HTCondor does not transfer these credentials off the submit node; instead, it uses them to construct “pre-signed” https:// URLs that temporarily allow the bearer access. (Thus, an execute node needs to support https:// URLs for S3 URLs to work.)

To make use of this feature, you will need to specify the following information in the submit file:

  • a file containing your access key ID (and nothing else)

  • a file containing your secret access key (and nothing else)

  • one or more S3 URLs as input values or output destinations.

See the subsections below for specific examples.

You may (like any other URL) specify an S3 URL in transfer_input_files, or as part of a remap in transfer_output_remaps. However, HTCondor does not currently support transferring entire buckets or directories. If you specify an s3:// URL as the output_destination, that URL will be used a prefix for each output file’s location; if you specify a URL ending a /, it will be treated like a directory.

S3 Transfer Recipes

Transferring files to and from Amazon S3

Specify your credential files in the submit file using the attributes aws_access_key_id_file and aws_secret_access_key_file. Amazon S3 switched from global buckets to region-specific buckets; use the first URL form for the older buckets and the second for newer buckets.

aws_access_key_id_file = /home/example/secrets/accessKeyID
aws_secret_access_key_file = /home/example/secrets/secretAccessKey

# For old, non-region-specific buckets.
# transfer_input_files = s3://<bucket-name>/<key-name>,
# transfer_output_remaps = "output.dat = s3://<bucket-name>/<output-key-name>"

# or, for new, region-specific buckets:
transfer_input_files = s3://<bucket-name>.s3.<region><key>
transfer_output_remaps = "output.dat = s3://<bucket-name>.s3.<region><output-key-name>"

# Optionally, specify a region for S3 URLs which don't include one:
# aws_region = <region>

Transferring files to and from Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage implements an XML API which is interoperable with S3. This requires an extra step of generating HMAC credentials to access Cloud Storage. Google Cloud best practices are to create a Service Account with read/write permission to the bucket. Read HMAC keys for Cloud Storage for more details.

After generating HMAC credentials, they can be used within a job:

gs_access_key_id_file = /home/example/secrets/bucket_access_key_id
gs_secret_access_key_file = /home/example/secrets/bucket_secret_access_key
transfer_input_files = gs://<bucket-name>/<input-key-name>
transfer_output_remaps = "output.dat = gs://<bucket-name>/<output-key-name>"

If Cloud Storage is configured with Private Service Connect, then use the S3 URL approach with the private Cloud Storage endpoint. e.g.,

gs_access_key_id_file = /home/example/secrets/bucket_access_key_id
gs_secret_access_key_file = /home/example/secrets/bucket_secret_access_key
transfer_input_files = s3://<cloud-storage-private-endpoint>/<bucket-name>/<input-key-name>
transfer_output_remaps = "output.dat = s3://<cloud-storage-private-endpoint>/<bucket-name>/<output-key-name>"

Transferring files to and from another provider

Many other companies and institutions offer a service compatible with the S3 protocol. You can access these services using s3:// URLs and the key files described above.

s3_access_key_id_file = /home/example/secrets/accessKeyID
s3_secret_access_key_file = /home/example/secrets/secretAccessKey
transfer_input_files = s3://
transfer_output_remaps = "large-output.file = s3://"

If you need to specify a region, you may do so using aws_region, despite the name.