DAGMan Completion

DAGMan exits the condor_schedd queue when it has successfully completed, or when it can no longer make forward progress. The latter case is considered failure. Successful completion happens when every node in the DAG has successfully completed. In the case of a DAGman failure, you can resubmit the dag so that only the incomplete work is run. Alternatively, you can re-run a DAG from pre-specified save points, and re-run previously completed nodes.

Node Success/Failure

Progress towards completion of the DAG is based upon the success of the nodes within the DAG. The success of a node is based upon the success of the associated job(s), PRE script, and POST script. Where an exit value not equal to 0 is considered failed. The exit value of whatever component of the node was run last determines the success or failure of the node.

Table 2.1 lists the definition of node success and failure for all variations of script and list of jobs success and failure, when DAGMAN_ALWAYS_RUN_POST is set to False. In this table, a dash (-) represents the case where a script does not exist for the DAG, S represents success, and F represents failure.

Table 2.2 lists the definition of node success and failure only for the cases where the PRE script fails, when DAGMan is configured to always run POST scripts.

If a node contains more than one job then the entire list of jobs is considered a failure when any job in the list fails. Once declared as failed, the remaining jobs associated with the node will be removed from the queue.


The behavior of DAGMan with respect to node success or failure can be changed with the addition of a PRE_SKIP command. A PRE_SKIP line within the DAG description file uses the syntax:

PRE_SKIP <NodeName | ALL_NODES> non-zero-exit-code

The PRE script of a node identified by NodeName that exits with the value given by non-zero-exit-code skips the remainder of the node entirely. Neither the job(s) associated with the node nor the POST script will be executed, and the node will be marked as successful.

Retrying Failed Nodes

DAGMan can retry any failed node in a DAG by specifying the node in the DAG description file with the RETRY command. The syntax for retry is

RETRY <NodeName | ALL_NODES> NumberOfRetries [UNLESS-EXIT value]

where NodeName identifies the node. NumberOfRetries is an integer number of times to retry the node after failure.

The implied number of retries for any node is 0, the same as not having a retry line in the file. Retry causes the whole node to be rerun (i.e. PRE Script, entire list of jobs, and POST Script).

Retry of a node may be short circuited using the optional keyword UNLESS-EXIT, followed by an integer exit value. If the node exits with the specified integer exit value, then no further processing will be done on the node.

Stopping the DAG on Node Failure

The ABORT-DAG-ON command provides a way to abort the entire DAG if a given node returns a specific exit code. The syntax for ABORT-DAG-ON is

ABORT-DAG-ON <NodeName | ALL_NODES> AbortExitValue [RETURN DAGReturnValue]

If the return value for the specified node matches AbortExitValue, the DAG is immediately aborted. Meaning the DAG stops all currently running nodes, cleans up, writes a rescue DAG, and exits with the optional specified return value. If no DAG return value is specified then DAGMan exits with the node return value that caused the abort.

A DAG return value other than 0, 1, or 2 will cause the condor_dagman job to stay in the queue after it exits and get retried, unless the on_exit_remove expression in the *.condor.sub file is manually modified.

The behavior differs based on the existence of PRE and/or POST scripts:

  • If a PRE script returns the AbortExitValue value, the DAG is immediately aborted.

  • If any of the HTCondor jobs within a node returns the AbortExitValue value, the DAG is aborted if the node has no POST script.

  • If the POST script returns the AbortExitValue value, the DAG is aborted.


An abort overrides node retries. If a node returns the abort exit value, the DAG is aborted, even if the node has retry specified.

Resubmitting a Failed DAG

DAGMan has two ways of restarting a failed DAG: Rescue and Recovery. Rescue mode is most common for resubmitting a DAG manually while recovery mode is most likely to occur automatically if a crash or something occurs.

If the DAG has failed, it can be be restarted such that work that needs to be executed (including previously failed part) are ran. Resubmission should be done via a Rescue DAG if the file exists, otherwise DAGMan will use Recovery mode. To determine if Rescue mode is possible check the DAG working directory for a Rescue DAG. A Rescue DAG is has a file name ending in .rescue<XXX>, where <XXX> is replaced by a 3-digit number.

The Rescue DAG

Any time a DAG exits unsuccessfully, DAGMan generates a Rescue DAG. The Rescue DAG records the state of the DAG, with information such as which nodes completed successfully, that will be used when the DAG is again submitted. With the Rescue DAG, nodes that have already successfully completed are not re-run. Nodes that are re-run will execute every part of the node (PRE Script, job(s), and POST Script) even if one part had previously completed successfully. There are a variety of circumstances under which a Rescue DAG is generated:

  1. If a node in the DAG fails then DAGMan will continue executing until no more forward progress can be made. At this point, DAGMan produces the Rescue DAG and exits.

  2. A Rescue DAG is produced when the condor_dagman job itself is removed via condor_rm. This only occurs on Unix platforms.

  3. A Rescue DAG is produced when a node triggers an ABORT-DAG-ON with a non-zero exit value.

If the Rescue DAG file is generated before all retries of a node are completed, then the Rescue DAG file will also contain RETRY entries. The number of retries will be set to the appropriate remaining number of retries. The configuration variable DAGMAN_RESET_RETRIES_UPON_RESCUE controls whether or not node retries are reset in a Rescue DAG.

Statistics about the failed DAG execution are presented as comments at the beginning of the Rescue DAG description file.

By default, if a Rescue DAG exists, it will be used when the DAG is submitted specifying the original DAG description file. If more than one Rescue DAG exists, the newest one will be used. By using the Rescue DAG, DAGMan will avoid re-running nodes that completed successfully in the previous run.


Passing the -force option to condor_submit_dag or condor_dagman will cause DAGMman to not use any existing Rescue DAG’s. This means that previously-completed nodes will be re-run.

Rescue DAG Naming

The file name of the Rescue DAG is <DAG Description File>.rescue<XXX>. Where <XXX> starts at 001 and increments with each new failure until the maximum value is hit. The maximum value is defined by the configuration option DAGMAN_MAX_RESCUE_NUM . If this limit is reached then the last Rescue DAG file is overwritten upon failure of the DAG.

If multiple independent DAGs are submitted at one time via condor_submit_dag then the Rescue DAG file will be named <Primary DAG>_multi.rescue<XXX> where the primary DAG is the first DAG description file specified on the command line. This multi-DAG rescue file will encompass all the nodes provided by the multiple independent DAG files.

If a Rescue DAG exists when the original DAG is re-submitted, the Rescue DAG with the largest magnitude value for <XXX> will be used, and its usage is implied.

Using an Older Rescue DAG

If a DAG has failed multiple times and produced many Rescue DAG files, specific Rescue DAGs can be specified to re-run the DAG from rather than the rescue with the highest magnitude. This is achieved by using the -DoRescueFrom option for condor_submit_dag.

Example re-running failed DAG from specific rescue file
$ condor_submit_dag -DoRescueFrom 2 diamond.dag

When an older rescue file is specified and the DAG fails, all existing rescue DAG files of a higher magnitude will be renamed with the .old suffix. So, diamond.dag.rescue003 will become diamond.dag.rescue003.old.

Special Cases

  1. If multiple DAG description files are provided on the condor_submit_dag command line, a single Rescue DAG encompassing all of the input DAG’s is generated. The primary DAG (first DAG specified in the command line) will be used as the base of the Rescue DAG name.

  2. A DAG file that contains DAG splices also only produces a single Rescue DAG file since the spliced DAG nodes are inherited by the top-level DAG.

  3. A DAG that contains sub-DAG’s will produce one Rescue DAG file per sub-DAG since each sub-DAG is it’s own job running in the queue along with the top-level DAG. The Rescue DAG files will be created relative to the specified DAG description files.

Partial versus Full Rescue DAGs

By default the Rescue DAG file is written as a partial DAG file that is not intended to be used directly with condor_submit_dag. This partial file only contains information about completed nodes and remaining retries for non-completed nodes. Partial Rescue DAG files are parsed in combination of the original DAG description file that contains the actual DAG structure. This allows updates to the original DAG files structure to take effect when ran in rescues mode.


If a partial Rescue DAG contains a DONE specification for a node that is removed from the original DAG description file will produce an error unless DAGMAN_USE_STRICT is set to zero in which case a warning will be produced. Commenting out the DONE line in the Rescue DAG file will avoid an error or warning.

If the default of writing a partial Rescue DAG is turned off by setting DAGMAN_WRITE_PARTIAL_RESCUE to False, then DAGMan will produce a full Rescue DAG that contains the majority DAG information (i.e. DAG structure, state, Scripts, VARS, etc.). In contrary to the partial Rescue DAG that is parsed in combination with the original DAG description file, a full Rescue DAG is to be submitted directly via the condor_submit_dag. For example:

Example re-running full rescue DAG
$ condor_submit_dag diamond.dag.rescue002

Attempting to re-submit the original DAG file, if the Rescue DAG file is a complete DAG, will result in a parse failure.


The full Rescue DAG functionality is deprecated and slated to be removed during the lifetime of the HTCondor V24 feature series.

Rescue for Parse Failure

When using the -DumpRescue flag for condor_submit_dag or condor_dagman, DAGMan will produce a special Rescue DAG file if a the parsing of DAG description files fail. This special Rescue DAG file will contain whatever DAGMan has successfully parsed up to the point of failure. This may be helpful for debugging parse errors with complex DAG’s. Especially DAG’s using splices.

To distinguish between a usable Rescue DAG file and a parse failure DAG file, the parse failure Rescue DAG file has a different naming scheme. In which the file is named <dag file>.parse_failed. Further more, the parse failure rescue DAG contains the REJECT command which prevents the parse failure Rescue DAG from being executed by DAGMan. This is because the special Rescue DAG is written in the full format regardless of DAGMAN_WRITE_PARTIAL_RESCUE. Due to the nature of the full Recuse file being syntactically correct DAG file, it will be perceived as a successfully executed workflow despite being an incomplete DAG.

DAG Recovery

DAG recovery restores the state of a DAG upon resubmission by reading the *.nodes.log file that is used to enforce the dependencies of the DAG. Once state is restore, DAGMan will continue the execution of the DAG.

Recovery is appropriate when no Rescue DAG has been created. The Rescue DAG will fail to write if a crash occurs (Host machine, condor_schedd, or condor_dagman job) or if the condor_dagman job is put on hold.

Most of the time, when a not-completed DAG is re-submitted, it will automatically be placed into recovery mode due to the existence and contents of a lock file created as the DAG is first run. In recovery mode, the *.nodes.log is used to identify nodes that have completed and should not be re-submitted.

DAGMan can be told to work in recovery mode by including the -DoRecovery option on the command line.

Example manually re-running DAG in recovery mode
$ condor_submit_dag diamond.dag -DoRecovery

DAG Save Point Files

A successfully completed DAG can be re-run from a specific saved state if the DAG originally run contained save point nodes. Save point nodes are DAG nodes that have an associate SAVE_POINT_FILE command. The SAVE_POINT_FILE syntax is as follows:

DAG description SAVE_POINT_FILE command syntax
SAVE_POINT_FILE NodeName [filename]

This file is written in the exact same format as the partial Rescue DAG except all retries are reset. The save file is written as follows:

  1. When:

    The save point file is written the first time a DAG node starts meaning it will not be written during a retry.

  2. Named:

    If provided a filename then DAGMan will write the status to that provided file name otherwise the save file will be named [Node Name]-[DAG Description File].save. Where the DAG description file is the DAG file that the save point was declared.

  3. Where:

    If a path is provided in the save point filename then DAGMan will attempt to write to that location. If the path is relative then the file is written relative to the DAGs working directory. Otherwise, DAGMan will write the save file to a new directory call save_files which is created in the DAGs working directory.


The use of condor_submit_dags -UseDagDir option will effect where the save_files directory is created and where save files with relative paths are written since -UseDagDir changes alters the DAG working directory.

Once a DAG has ran and produced save point files, the DAG can be re-run from a specific save point via the -load_save option for condor_submit_dag. DAGMan will try attempt to read the save file from any path that is provided otherwise DAGMan will assume the specified save file is located in the save_files directory. The paths for the specified save file is checked relative to the DAGs working directory.

If a save file already exists at the time DAGMan goes to write it then DAGMan will first rename the current file of the same name with the suffix .old. This happens whether the DAG is being re-run or if the same save filename is with multiple nodes allowing for a progressing save file. For example, A progressing save point file can be set up as the following:

Example DAG description with rolling save point file
# File: progressSavefile.dag
JOB A node.sub
JOB B node.sub
JOB C node.sub
SAVE_POINT_FILE A dag-progress.save
SAVE_POINT_FILE B dag-progress.save
SAVE_POINT_FILE C dag-progress.save
        flowchart LR
    subgraph A[Node A]
        w1[<font color="#08A04B">Write</font> dag-progress.save] --> r1((Run))
    subgraph B[Node B]
        m1[<font color="blue">Rename</font> dag-progress.save<br>to dag-progress.save.old]
        w2[<font color="#08A04B">Write</font> dag-progress.save]
        m1 --> w2
        w2 --> r2((Run))
    subgraph C[Node C]
        d[<font color="red">Remove</font> dag-progress.save.old]
        m2[<font color="blue">Rename</font> dag-progress.save<br>to dag-progress.save.old]
        w3[<font color="#08A04B">Write</font> dag-progress.save]
        d --> m2
        m2 --> w3
        w3 --> r3((Run))
    A --> B
    B --> C

Progressing Save File DAG Actions