How To Debug an Always Idle Job
Sometimes, when you submit a job to HTCondor, it sits idle seemingly forever, condor_q shows it in the idle state, when you expect it should start running. This can be frustrating, but there are tools to give visibility so you can debug what is going on.
Jobs that start but are quickly evicted
One possibility is that the job is actually starting, but something goes wrong very quickly after it starts, so the Execution Point evicts the job, and the condor_schedd puts it back to idle. condor_q would only show it in the “R”unning state for a brief moment, so it is likely that even frequent executions of condor_q will show it in the Idle state.
A quick look at the HTCondor job log will help to verify that this is what is happening. Assuming your submit file contains a line like:
log = my_job.log
Then you should see a line in my_job.log, assuming that HTCondor assigned the job id of 781.0 to your job (the job id is in parenthesis):
000 (781.000.000) 2022-01-30 15:15:35 Job submitted from host: <>
Many jobs can share the same job log file, so be sure to find the entries for the job in question. If there is nothing further in this log, this flapping between Running and Idle is not the problem, and you can check items further down this list.
However, if you see repeated entries like
001 (781.000.000) 2022-01-30 15:15:36 Job executing on host: <>
007 (781.000.000) 2022-01-30 15:15:37 Shadow exception!
Error from slot1_2@bat: FATAL: executable file not found in $PATH
0 - Run Bytes Sent By Job
0 - Run Bytes Received By Job
001 (781.000.000) 2022-01-30 15:15:37 Job executing on host: <>
007 (781.000.000) 2022-01-30 15:15:38 Shadow exception!
Then this flapping is the problem, and you’ll need to figure out why. Perhaps a condor_submit -i interactive login, and trying to start the job by hand is useful, maybe you’ll need to ask a system administrator.
Jobs that don’t match any Execution Point
Another common cause of an always-idle job is that the job doesn’t match any slot in the pool. Perhaps the memory or disk requested in the submit file is greater than any slot in the pool has. Perhaps your administrator requires jobs to set certain custom attributes to identify them, or for accounting. HTCondor has a tool we call better-analyze that simulates the matching of slots to jobs. It isn’t perfect, as it doesn’t have full knowledge of the system, but it is easy to run, and can help to quickly narrow down this kind of problems.
$ condor_q -better-analyze 781.0
Now, as condor_q -better-analyze by default, tries to simulate matching this job to all slots in the pool, this can take a while, and generate a lot of output. Sometimes, you are pretty sure that a job should match one particular slot, in that case, you can restrict the matching attempt to that one slot by running
$ condor_q -better-analyze 781.0 -machine machine_in_question
which will emit information only about a potential match to machine_in_question. If the last few lines of this look like this:
The Requirements expression for job 781.0 reduces to these conditions:
Step Matched Condition
----- -------- ---------
[0] 1 TARGET.Arch == "X86_64"
[1] 1 TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX"
[3] 1 TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk
[5] 0 TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory
781.007: Run analysis summary ignoring user priority. Of 1 machines,
1 are rejected by your job's requirements
0 reject your job because of their own requirements
0 match and are already running your jobs
0 match but are serving other users
0 are able to run your job
WARNING: Be advised:
No machines matched the jobs's constraints
In this example, RequestMemory is set too high, so the job won’t match any machines. Maybe it was a typo. Try setting it lower to see if the job will match. If condor_q -better-analyze tells you that some machines do match, then this probably isn’t the problem, or, it could be that very few machines in your pool match your job, and you’ll just need to wait until they are available.
Not enough priority
Another reason your job isn’t running is that other jobs of yours are running, but your priority isn’t good enough to allow any more of your jobs running. If this is a problem, the HTCondor condor_schedd will run your jobs in the order specified by the Job_Priority submit command. You could give your more important jobs a higher job priority. The command condor_userprio -all will show you your current userprio, which is what HTCondor uses to calculate your fair share.
Systemic problems
The final case is that you have done nothing wrong, but there is some problem with the system. Maybe a network is down, or a system daemon has crashed, or there is an overload somewhere. If you are an expert, there may be information in the debug logs, usually found in /var/log/condor. In this case, you may need to consult your system administrator, or ask for help on the condor-users email list.