Installing the Bindings

The HTCondor Python bindings are available from a variety of sources, depending on what platform you are on and what tool you want to use to do the installation.

Linux System Packages

Availability: RHEL; CentOS; Debian; Ubuntu

The bindings are available as a package in various Linux system package repositories. The packages will automatically be installed if you install HTCondor itself from our repositories. This method will let you use the Python bindings in your system Python installation.

Windows Installer

Availability: Windows

The bindings are packaged in the Windows installer. Download the .msi for the version of your choice from the table here and run it. After installation, the bindings packages will be in lib\python in your install directory (e.g., C:\condor\lib\python). Add this directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable to use the bindings.



Availability: Linux

The bindings are available on PyPI. To install from PyPI using pip, run

python -m pip install htcondor


Conda Forge Conda Forge

Availability: Linux

The bindings are available on conda-forge. To install using conda, run

conda install -c conda-forge python-htcondor