Remove jobs being managed by the HTCondor Job Router
condor_router_rm [router_rm options ] [condor_rm options ]
condor_router_rm is a script that provides additional features above those offered by condor_rm, for removing jobs being managed by the HTCondor Job Router.
The options that may be supplied to condor_router_rm belong to two groups:
router_rm options provide the additional features
condor_rm options are those options already offered by condor_rm. See the condor_rm manual page for specification of these options.
- -constraint X
(router_rm option) Remove jobs matching the constraint specified by X
- -held
(router_rm option) Remove only jobs in the hold state
- -idle
(router_rm option) Remove only idle jobs
- -route name
(router_rm option) Remove only jobs on specified route
Exit Status
condor_router_rm will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.