Environment and services for a running job

Services for Running Jobs

HTCondor provides an environment and certain services for running jobs. Jobs can use these services to provide more reliable runs, to give logging and monitoring data for users, and to synchronize with other jobs. Note that different HTCondor job universes may provide different services. The functionality below is available in the vanilla universe, unless otherwise stated.

Environment Variables

An HTCondor job running on a worker node does not, by default, inherit the environment variables from the machine it runs on or the machine it was submitted from. If it did, the environment might change from run to run, or machine to machine, and create non reproducible, difficult to debug problems. Rather, HTCondor is deliberate about what environment variables a job sees, and allows the user to set them in the job description file.

The user may define environment variables for the job with the environment submit command.

Instead of defining environment variables individually, the entire set of environment variables in the condor_submit’s environment can be copied into the job. The getenv command does this.

In general, it is preferable to just declare the minimum set of needed environment variables with the environment command, as that clearly declares the needed environment variables. If the needed set is not known, the getenv command is useful. If the environment is set with both the environment command and getenv is also set to true, values specified with environment override values in the submitter’s environment, regardless of the order of the environment and getenv commands in the submit file.

Commands within the submit description file may reference the environment variables of the submitter. Submit description file commands use $ENV(EnvironmentVariableName) to reference the value of an environment variable.

Extra Environment Variables HTCondor sets for Jobs

HTCondor sets several additional environment variables for each executing job that may be useful.

  • _CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR names the directory where the job may place temporary data files. This directory is unique for every job that is run, and its contents are deleted by HTCondor when the job stops running on a machine. When file transfer is enabled, the job is started in this directory.

  • _CONDOR_SLOT gives the name of the slot (for multicore machines), on which the job is run. On machines with only a single slot, the value of this variable will be 1, just like the SlotID attribute in the machine’s ClassAd. See the Configuration for Execution Points section for more details about configuring multicore machines.

  • _CONDOR_JOB_AD is the path to a file in the job’s scratch directory which contains the job ad for the currently running job. The job ad is current as of the start of the job, but is not updated during the running of the job. The job may read attributes and their values out of this file as it runs, but any changes will not be acted on in any way by HTCondor. The format is the same as the output of the condor_q -l command. This environment variable may be particularly useful in a USER_JOB_WRAPPER.

  • _CONDOR_MACHINE_AD is the path to a file in the job’s scratch directory which contains the machine ad for the slot the currently running job is using. The machine ad is current as of the start of the job, but is not updated during the running of the job. The format is the same as the output of the condor_status -l command. Interesting attributes jobs may want to look at from this file include Memory and Cpus, the amount of memory and cpus provisioned for this slot.

  • _CONDOR_JOB_IWD is the path to the initial working directory the job was born with.

  • _CONDOR_WRAPPER_ERROR_FILE is only set when the administrator has installed a USER_JOB_WRAPPER. If this file exists, HTCondor assumes that the job wrapper has failed and copies the contents of the file to the StarterLog for the administrator to debug the problem.

  • CUBACORES GOMAXPROCS JULIA_NUM_THREADS MKL_NUM_THREADS NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS OMP_NUM_THREADS OMP_THREAD_LIMIT OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS PYTHON_CPU_COUNT ROOT_MAX_THREADS TF_LOOP_PARALLEL_ITERATIONS TF_NUM_THREADS are set to the number of cpu cores provisioned to this job. Should be at least RequestCpus, but HTCondor may match a job to a bigger slot. Jobs should not spawn more than this number of cpu-bound threads, or their performance will suffer. Many third party libraries like OpenMP obey these environment variables. An administrator can add new variables to this set with the configuration knob STARTER_NUM_THREADS_ENV_VARS.

  • BATCH_SYSTEM All job running under a HTCondor starter have the environment variable BATCH_SYSTEM set to the string HTCondor. Inspecting this variable allows a job to determine if it is running under HTCondor.

  • SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR APPTAINER_CACHEDIR These two variables are set to the location of the scratch directory to prevent apptainer or singularity from writing to a home directory or other place that isn’t cleaned up on job exit.

  • X509_USER_PROXY gives the full path to the X.509 user proxy file if one is associated with the job. Typically, a user will specify x509userproxy in the submit description file.

If the job has been assigned GPUs, the system will also set the following environment variables for the GPU runtime to use.

  • CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES are set to the names of the GPUs assigned to this job. The job should NEVER change these, but they may be useful for debuggging or logging

Communicating with the Submit machine via Chirp

HTCondor provides a method for running jobs to read or write information to or from the access point, called “chirp”. Chirp allows jobs to

  • Write to the job ad in the schedd. This can be used for long-running jobs to write progress information back to the access point, so that a condor_q query will reveal how far along a running job is. Or, if a job is listening on a network port, chirp can write the port number to the job ad, so that others can connect to this job.

  • Read from the job ad in the schedd. While most information a job needs should be in input files, command line arguments or environment variables, a job can read dynamic information from the schedd’s copy of the classad.

  • Write a message to the job log. Another place to put progress information is into the job log file. This allows anyone with access to that file to see how much progress a running job has made.

  • Read a file from the access point. This allows a job to read a file from the access point at runtime. While file transfer is generally a better approach, file transfer requires the submitter to know the files to be transferred at submit time.

  • Write a file to the access point. Again, while file transfer is usually the better choice, with chirp, a job can write intermediate results back to the access point before the job exits.

HTCondor ships a command-line tool, called condor_chirp that can do these actions, and provides python bindings so that they can be done natively in Python.

When changes to a job made by chirp take effect

When condor_chirp successfully updates a job ad attribute, that change will be reflected in the copy of the job ad in the condor_schedd on the access point. However, most job ad attributes are read by the condor_starter or condor_startd at job start up time, and should chirp change these attributes at run time, it will not impact the running job. In particular, the attributes relating to resource requests, such as RequestCpus, RequestMemory, RequestDisk and RequestGPUS, will not cause any changes to the provisioned resources for a running job. If the job is evicted, and restarts, these new requests will then take effect in the new execution of the job. The same is true for the Requirements expression of a job.

Resource Limitations on a Running Job

Depending on how HTCondor has been configured, the OS platform, and other factors, HTCondor may configure the system a job runs on to prevent a job from using all the resources on a machine. This protects other jobs that may be running on the machine, and the machine itself from being harming by a running job.

Jobs may see

  • A private (non-shared) /tmp and /var/tmp directory

  • A private (non-shared) /dev/shm

  • A limit on the amount of memory they can allocate, above which the job may be placed on hold or evicted by the system.

  • A limit on the amount of CPU cores the may use, above which the job may be blocked, and will run very slowly.

  • A limit on the amount of scratch disk space the job may use, above which the job may be placed on hold or evicted by the system.

Container Universe Jobs

In addition to Docker, many competing container runtimes have been developed, some of which are mostly compatible with Docker, and others which provide their own feature sets. Many HTCondor users and administrators want to run jobs inside containers, but don’t care which runtime is used.

HTCondor’s container universe provides an abstraction where the user does not specify exactly which container runtime to use, but just aspects of their contained job, and HTCondor will select an appropriate runtime. To do this, set the job submit file command container_image to a specified container image.

The submit file command universe can either be optionally set to container or not declared at all. If universe is declared and set to anything but container then the job submission will fail.

Note that the container may specify the executable to run, either in the runfile option of a singularity image, or in the entrypoint option of a Dockerfile. If this is set, the executable command in the HTCondor submit file is optional, and the default command in the container will be run.

This container image may describe an image in a docker-style repo if it is prefixed with docker://, or a Singularity .sif image on disk, or a Singularity sandbox image (an exploded directory). condor_submit will parse this image and advertise what type of container image it is, and match with startds that can support that image.

The container image may also be specified with an URL syntax that tells HTCondor to use a file transfer plugin to transfer the image. For example with

container_image = http://example.com/dir/image.sif

A container image that would otherwise be transferred can be forced to never be transferred with transfer_container.

transfer_container = false

HTCondor knows that “docker://” and “oras://” (for apptainer) are special, and are never transferred by HTCondor plugins.

Here is a complete submit description file for a sample container universe job:

#universe = container is optional
universe                = container
container_image         = ./image.sif

executable              = /bin/cat
arguments               = /etc/hosts

should_transfer_files   = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

output                  = out.$(Process)
error                   = err.$(Process)
log                     = log.$(Process)

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K

queue 1

Docker Universe Applications

A docker universe job instantiates a Docker container from a Docker image, and HTCondor manages the running of that container as an HTCondor job, on an execute machine. This running container can then be managed as any HTCondor job. For example, it can be scheduled, removed, put on hold, or be part of a workflow managed by DAGMan.

The docker universe job will only be matched with an execute host that advertises its capability to run docker universe jobs. When an execute machine with docker support starts, the machine checks to see if the docker command is available and has the correct settings for HTCondor. Docker support is advertised if available and if it has the correct settings.

The image from which the container is instantiated is defined by specifying a Docker image with the submit command docker_image. This image must be pre-staged on a docker hub that the execute machine can access.

The submit file command universe can either be optionally set to docker or not declared at all. If universe is declared and set to anything but docker then the job submission will fail. Regardless, the submit file command docker_image must be declared and set to a docker image.

After submission, the job is treated much the same way as a vanilla universe job. Details of file transfer are the same as applied to the vanilla universe. One of the benefits of Docker containers is the file system isolation they provide. Each container has a distinct file system, from the root on down, and this file system is completely independent of the file system on the host machine. The container does not share a file system with either the execute host or the submit host, with the exception of the scratch directory, which is volume mounted to the host, and is the initial working directory of the job. Optionally, the administrator may configure other directories from the host machine to be volume mounted, and thus visible inside the container. See the docker section of the administrator’s manual for details.

In Docker universe (as well as vanilla), HTCondor never allows a containerized process to run as root inside the container, it always runs as a non-root user. It will run as the same non-root user that a vanilla job will. If a Docker Universe job fails in an obscure way, but runs fine in a docker container on a desktop, try running the job as a non-root user on the desktop to try to duplicate the problem.

HTCondor creates a per-job scratch directory on the execute machine, transfers any input files to that directory, bind-mounts that directory to a directory of the same name inside the container, and sets the IWD of the contained job to that directory. The assumption is that the job will look in the cwd for input files, and drop output files in the same directory. In docker terms, we docker run with the -v /some_scratch_directory -w /some_scratch_directory -user non-root-user command line options (along with many others).

The executable file can come from one of two places: either from within the container’s image, or it can be transferred from the submit machine to the scratch directory of the execute machine. To specify the former, set transfer_executable to false in the submit file.

Therefore, the submit description file should contain the submit command

should_transfer_files = YES

With this command, all input and output files will be transferred as required to and from the scratch directory mounted as a Docker volume.

If no executable is specified in the submit description file, it is presumed that the Docker container has a default command to run.

If the docker image has an entrypoint defined, and executable is specified in the submit description file, it will be used as first argument for the entrypoint, followed by any arguments.

It is possible to use as entrypoint the executable directly, redefining the entrypoint of the image (equivalent to --entrypoint in docker run)

The entrypoint is replaced by the executable if the submit description file contains the command:

docker_override_entrypoint = True

The default value is False as it is the behaviour that works well with the majority of the docker images.

When the job completes, is held, evicted, or is otherwise removed from the machine, the container will be removed.

Here is a complete submit description file for a sample docker universe job:

#universe = docker is optional
universe                = docker
docker_image            = debian
executable              = /bin/cat
arguments               = /etc/hosts
should_transfer_files   = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
output                  = out.$(Process)
error                   = err.$(Process)
log                     = log.$(Process)

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K

queue 1

A debian container is the HTCondor job, and it runs the /bin/cat program on the /etc/hosts file before exiting.

Docker and Networking

By default, docker universe jobs will be run with a private, NATed network interface.

In the job submit file, if the user specifies

docker_network_type = none

then no networking will be available to the job.

In the job submit file, if the user specifies

docker_network_type = host

then, instead of a NATed interface, the job will use the host’s network interface, just like a vanilla universe job. If an administrator has defined additional, custom docker networks, they will be advertised in the slot attribute DockerNetworks, and any value in that list can be a valid argument for this keyword.

If the host network type is unavailable, you can ask Docker to forward one or more ports on the host into the container. In the following example, we assume that the ‘centos7_with_htcondor’ image has HTCondor set up and ready to go, but doesn’t turn it on by default.

#universe = docker is optional
universe                = docker
docker_image            = centos7_with_htcondor
executable              = /usr/sbin/condor_master
arguments               = -f
container_service_names = condor
condor_container_port   = 9618
should_transfer_files   = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
output                  = out.$(Process)
error                   = err.$(Process)
log                     = log.$(Process)

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K

queue 1

The container_service_names submit command accepts a comma- or space- separated list of service names; each service name must have a corresponding <service-name>_container_port submit command specifying an integer between 0 and 65535. Docker will automatically select a port on the host to forward to that port in the container; HTCondor will report that port in the job ad attribute <service-name>_HostPort after it becomes available, which will be (several seconds) after the job starts. HTCondor will update the job ad in the sandbox (.job.ad) at that time.

Virtual Machine Jobs

The vm universe facilitates an HTCondor job that matches and then lands a disk image on an execute machine within an HTCondor pool. This disk image is intended to be a virtual machine. In this manner, the virtual machine is the job to be executed.

This section describes this type of HTCondor job. See Configuration File Entries Relating to Virtual Machines for details of configuration variables.

The Submit Description File

Different than all other universe jobs, the vm universe job specifies a disk image, not an executable. Therefore, the submit commands input, output, and error do not apply. If specified, condor_submit rejects the job with an error. The executable command changes definition within a vm universe job. It no longer specifies an executable file, but instead provides a string that identifies the job for tools such as condor_q. Other commands specific to the type of virtual machine software identify the disk image.

Xen and KVM virtual machine software are supported. As these differ from each other, the submit description file specifies one of

vm_type = xen


vm_type = kvm

The job is required to specify its memory needs for the disk image with vm_memory, which is given in Mbytes. HTCondor uses this number to assure a match with a machine that can provide the needed memory space.

Virtual machine networking is enabled with the command

vm_networking = true

And, when networking is enabled, a definition of vm_networking_type as bridge matches the job only with a machine that is configured to use bridge networking. A definition of vm_networking_type as nat matches the job only with a machine that is configured to use NAT networking. When no definition of vm_networking_type is given, HTCondor may match the job with a machine that enables networking, and further, the choice of bridge or NAT networking is determined by the machine’s configuration.

Modified disk images are transferred back to the machine from which the job was submitted as the vm universe job completes. Job completion for a vm universe job occurs when the virtual machine is shut down, and HTCondor notices (as the result of a periodic check on the state of the virtual machine). Should the job not want any files transferred back (modified or not), for example because the job explicitly transferred its own files, the submit command to prevent the transfer is

vm_no_output_vm = true

The required disk image must be identified for a virtual machine. This vm_disk command specifies a list of comma-separated files. Each disk file is specified by colon-separated fields. The first field is the path and file name of the disk file. The second field specifies the device. The third field specifies permissions, and the optional fourth specifies the format. Here is an example that identifies a single file:

vm_disk = swap.img:sda2:w:raw

If HTCondor will be transferring the disk file, then the file name given in vm_disk should not contain any path information. Otherwise, the full path to the file should be given.

Setting values in the submit description file for some commands have consequences for the virtual machine description file. These commands are

HTCondor uses these values when it produces the description file.

If any files need to be transferred from the access point to the machine where the vm universe job will execute, HTCondor must be explicitly told to do so with the standard file transfer attributes:

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = /myxen/diskfile.img,/myxen/swap.img

Any and all needed files that will not accessible directly from the machines where the job may execute must be listed.

Further commands specify information that is specific to the virtual machine type targeted.

Xen-Specific Submit Commands

A Xen vm universe job requires specification of the guest kernel. The xen_kernel command accomplishes this, utilizing one of the following definitions.

  1. xen_kernel = included implies that the kernel is to be found in disk image given by the definition of the single file specified in vm_disk.

  2. xen_kernel = path-to-kernel gives the file name of the required kernel. If this kernel must be transferred to machine on which the vm universe job will execute, it must also be included in the transfer_input_files command.

    This form of the xen_kernel command also requires further definition of the xen_root command. xen_root defines the device containing files needed by root.


Creating a checkpoint is straightforward for a virtual machine, as a checkpoint is a set of files that represent a snapshot of both disk image and memory. The checkpoint is created and all files are transferred back to the $(SPOOL) directory on the machine from which the job was submitted. The submit command to create checkpoints is

vm_checkpoint = true

Without this command, no checkpoints are created (by default). With the command, a checkpoint is created any time the vm universe jobs is evicted from the machine upon which it is executing. This occurs as a result of the machine configuration indicating that it will no longer execute this job.

Periodic creation of checkpoints is not supported at this time.

Enabling both networking and checkpointing for a vm universe job can cause networking problems when the job restarts, particularly if the job migrates to a different machine. condor_submit will normally reject such jobs. To enable both, then add the command

when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT

Take care with respect to the use of network connections within the virtual machine and their interaction with checkpoints. Open network connections at the time of the checkpoint will likely be lost when the checkpoint is subsequently used to resume execution of the virtual machine. This occurs whether or not the execution resumes on the same machine or a different one within the HTCondor pool.

Xen and KVM

While the following web page contains instructions specific to Fedora on how to create a virtual guest image, it should provide a good starting point for other platforms as well.


Job Completion in the vm Universe

Job completion for a vm universe job occurs when the virtual machine is shut down, and HTCondor notices (as the result of a periodic check on the state of the virtual machine). This is different from jobs executed under the environment of other universes.

Shut down of a virtual machine occurs from within the virtual machine environment. A script, executed with the proper authorization level, is the likely source of the shut down commands.

Under a Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Vista virtual machine, an administrator issues the command

> shutdown -s -t 01

Under a Linux virtual machine, the root user executes

$ /sbin/poweroff

The command /sbin/halt will not completely shut down some Linux distributions, and instead causes the job to hang.

Since the successful completion of the vm universe job requires the successful shut down of the virtual machine, it is good advice to try the shut down procedure outside of HTCondor, before a vm universe job is submitted.

Failures to Launch

It is not uncommon for a vm universe job to fail to launch because of a problem with the execute machine. In these cases, HTCondor will reschedule the job and note, in its user event log (if requested), the reason for the failure and that the job will be rescheduled. The reason is unlikely to be directly useful to you as an HTCondor user, but may help your HTCondor administrator understand the problem.

If the VM fails to launch for other reasons, the job will be placed on hold and the reason placed in the job ClassAd’s HoldReason attribute. The following table may help in understanding such reasons.


The attribute JobVMMemory was not set in the job ad sent to the VM GAHP. HTCondor will usually prevent you from submitting a VM universe job without JobVMMemory set. Examine your job and verify that JobVMMemory is set. If it is, please contact your administrator.


The attribute VMPARAM_vm_Disk was not set in the job ad sent to the VM GAHP. HTCondor will usually set this attribute when you submit a valid KVM job (it is derived from vm_disk). Examine your job and verify that VMPARAM_vm_Disk is set. If it is, please contact your administrator.


The attribute vm_disk was invalid. Please consult the manual, or the condor_submit man page, for information about the syntax of vm_disk. A syntactically correct value may be invalid if the on-disk permissions of a file specified in it do not match the requested permissions. Presently, files not transferred to the root of the working directory must be specified with full paths.


KVM jobs can not presently checkpoint if any of their disk files are not on a shared filesystem. Files on a shared filesystem must be specified in vm_disk with full paths.


The attribute VMPARAM_Xen_Kernel was not set in the job ad sent to the VM GAHP. HTCondor will usually set this attribute when you submit a valid Xen job (it is derived from xen_kernel). Examine your job and verify that VMPARAM_Xen_Kernel is set. If it is, please contact your administrator.


Don’t use ‘vmx’ as the name of your kernel image. Pick something else and change xen_kernel to match.


HTCondor could not read from the file specified by xen_kernel. Check the path and the file’s permissions. If it’s on a shared filesystem, you may need to alter your job’s requirements expression to ensure the filesystem’s availability.


HTCondor could not read from the file specified by xen_initrd. Check the path and the file’s permissions. If it’s on a shared filesystem, you may need to alter your job’s requirements expression to ensure the filesystem’s availability.


The attribute VMPARAM_Xen_Root was not set in the job ad sent to the VM GAHP. HTCondor will usually set this attribute when you submit a valid Xen job (it is derived from xen_root). Examine your job and verify that VMPARAM_Xen_Root is set. If it is, please contact your administrator.


The attribute VMPARAM_vm_Disk was not set in the job ad sent to the VM GAHP. HTCondor will usually set this attribute when you submit a valid Xen job (it is derived from vm_disk). Examine your job and verify that VMPARAM_vm_Disk is set. If it is, please contact your administrator.


The attribute vm_disk was invalid. Please consult the manual, or the condor_submit man page, for information about the syntax of vm_disk. A syntactically correct value may be invalid if the on-disk permissions of a file specified in it do not match the requested permissions. Presently, files not transferred to the root of the working directory must be specified with full paths.


Xen jobs can not presently checkpoint if any of their disk files are not on a shared filesystem. Files on a shared filesystem must be specified in vm_disk with full paths.

Parallel Jobs (Including MPI Jobs)

HTCondor’s parallel universe supports jobs that span multiple machines, where the multiple processes within a job must be running concurrently on these multiple machines, perhaps communicating with each other. The parallel universe provides machine scheduling, but does not enforce a particular programming paradigm for the underlying applications. Thus, parallel universe jobs may run under various MPI implementations as well as under other programming environments.

The parallel universe supersedes the mpi universe. The mpi universe eventually will be removed from HTCondor.

How Parallel Jobs Run

Parallel universe jobs are submitted from the machine running the dedicated scheduler. The dedicated scheduler matches and claims a fixed number of machines (slots) for the parallel universe job, and when a sufficient number of machines are claimed, the parallel job is started on each claimed slot.

Each invocation of condor_submit assigns a single ClusterId for what is considered the single parallel job submitted. The machine_count submit command identifies how many machines (slots) are to be allocated. Each instance of the queue submit command acquires and claims the number of slots specified by machine_count. Each of these slots shares a common job ClassAd and will have the same ProcId job ClassAd attribute value.

Once the correct number of machines are claimed, the executable is started at more or less the same time on all machines. If desired, a monotonically increasing integer value that starts at 0 may be provided to each of these machines. The macro $(Node) is similar to the MPI rank construct. This macro may be used within the submit description file in either the arguments or environment command. Thus, as the executable runs, it may discover its own $(Node) value.

Node 0 has special meaning and consequences for the parallel job. The completion of a parallel job is implied and taken to be when the Node 0 executable exits. All other nodes that are part of the parallel job and that have not yet exited on their own are killed. This default behavior may be altered by placing the line

+ParallelShutdownPolicy = "WAIT_FOR_ALL"

in the submit description file. It causes HTCondor to wait until every node in the parallel job has completed to consider the job finished.

Parallel Jobs and the Dedicated Scheduler

To run parallel universe jobs, HTCondor must be configured such that machines running parallel jobs are dedicated. Note that dedicated has a very specific meaning in HTCondor: while dedicated machines can run serial jobs, they prefer to run parallel jobs, and dedicated machines never preempt a parallel job once it starts running.

A machine becomes a dedicated machine when an administrator configures it to accept parallel jobs from one specific dedicated scheduler. Note the difference between parallel and serial jobs. While any scheduler in a pool can send serial jobs to any machine, only the designated dedicated scheduler may send parallel universe jobs to a dedicated machine. Dedicated machines must be specially configured. See the Dedicated Scheduling section for a description of the necessary configuration, as well as examples. Usually, a single dedicated scheduler is configured for a pool which can run parallel universe jobs, and this condor_schedd daemon becomes the single machine from which parallel universe jobs are submitted.

The following command line will list the execute machines in the local pool which have been configured to use a dedicated scheduler, also printing the name of that dedicated scheduler. In order to run parallel jobs, this name will be defined to be the string "DedicatedScheduler@", prepended to the name of the scheduler host.

$ condor_status -const '!isUndefined(DedicatedScheduler)' \
      -format "%s\t" Machine -format "%s\n" DedicatedScheduler

  execute1.example.com DedicatedScheduler@submit.example.com
  execute2.example.com DedicatedScheduler@submit.example.com

If this command emits no lines of output, then then pool is not correctly configured to run parallel jobs. Make sure that the name of the scheduler is correct. The string after the @ sign should match the name of the condor_schedd daemon, as returned by the command

$ condor_status -schedd

Submission Examples

Simplest Example

Here is a submit description file for a parallel universe job example that is as simple as possible:

##  submit description file for a parallel universe job
universe = parallel
executable = /bin/sleep
arguments = 30
machine_count = 8
log = log
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


This job specifies the universe as parallel, letting HTCondor know that dedicated resources are required. The machine_count command identifies that eight machines are required for this job.

Because no requirements are specified, the dedicated scheduler claims eight machines with the same architecture and operating system as the access point. When all the machines are ready, it invokes the /bin/sleep command, with a command line argument of 30 on each of the eight machines more or less simultaneously. Job events are written to the log specified in the log command.

The file transfer mechanism is enabled for this parallel job, such that if any of the eight claimed execute machines does not share a file system with the access point, HTCondor will correctly transfer the executable. This /bin/sleep example implies that the access point is running a Unix operating system, and the default assumption for submission from a Unix machine would be that there is a shared file system.

Example with Operating System Requirements

Assume that the pool contains Linux machines installed with either a RedHat or an Ubuntu operating system. If the job should run only on RedHat platforms, the requirements expression may specify this:

##  submit description file for a parallel program
##  targeting RedHat machines
universe = parallel
executable = /bin/sleep
arguments = 30
machine_count = 8
log = log
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
requirements = (OpSysName == "RedHat")
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


The machine selection may be further narrowed, instead using the OpSysAndVer attribute.

##  submit description file for a parallel program
##  targeting RedHat 6 machines
universe = parallel
executable = /bin/sleep
arguments = 30
machine_count = 8
log = log
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
requirements = (OpSysAndVer == "RedHat6")
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


Using the $(Node) Macro

## submit description file for a parallel program
## showing the $(Node) macro
universe = parallel
executable = /bin/cat
log = logfile
input = infile.$(Node)
output = outfile.$(Node)
error = errfile.$(Node)
machine_count = 4
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

The $(Node) macro is expanded to values of 0-3 as the job instances are about to be started. This assigns unique names to the input and output files to be transferred or accessed from the shared file system. The $(Node) value is fixed for the entire length of the job.

Differing Requirements for the Machines

Sometimes one machine’s part in a parallel job will have specialized needs. These can be handled with a requirements submit command that also specifies the number of needed machines.

## Example submit description file
## with 4 total machines and differing requirements
universe = parallel
executable = special.exe
machine_count = 1
requirements = ( machine == "machine1@example.com")
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


machine_count = 3
requirements = ( machine =!= "machine1@example.com")

The dedicated scheduler acquires and claims four machines. All four share the same value of ClusterId, as this value is associated with this single parallel job. The existence of a second queue command causes a total of two ProcId values to be assigned for this parallel job. The ProcId values are assigned based on ordering within the submit description file. Value 0 will be assigned for the single executable that must be executed on machine1@example.com, and the value 1 will be assigned for the other three that must be executed elsewhere.

Requesting multiple cores per slot

If the parallel program has a structure that benefits from running on multiple cores within the same slot, multi-core slots may be specified.

## submit description file for a parallel program
## that needs 8-core slots
universe = parallel
executable = foo.sh
log = logfile
input = infile.$(Node)
output = outfile.$(Node)
error = errfile.$(Node)
machine_count = 2
request_cpus = 8
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


This parallel job causes the scheduler to match and claim two machines, where each of the machines (slots) has eight cores. The parallel job is assigned a single ClusterId and a single ProcId, meaning that there is a single job ClassAd for this job.

The executable, foo.sh, is started at the same time on a single core within each of the two machines (slots). It is presumed that the executable will take care of invoking processes that are to run on the other seven CPUs (cores) associated with the slot.

Potentially fewer machines are impacted with this specification, as compared with the request that contains

machine_count = 16
request_cpus = 1

The interaction of the eight cores within the single slot may be advantageous with respect to communication delay or memory access. But, 8-core slots must be available within the pool.

MPI Applications

MPI applications use a single executable, invoked on one or more machines (slots), executing in parallel. The various implementations of MPI such as Open MPI and MPICH require further framework. HTCondor supports this necessary framework through a user-modified script. This implementation-dependent script becomes the HTCondor executable. The script sets up the framework, and then it invokes the MPI application’s executable.

The scripts are located in the $(RELEASE_DIR)/etc/examples directory. The script for the Open MPI implementation is openmpiscript. The scripts for MPICH implementations are mp1script and mp2script. An MPICH3 script is not available at this time. These scripts rely on running ssh for communication between the nodes of the MPI application. The ssh daemon on Unix platforms restricts connections to the approved shells listed in the /etc/shells file.

Here is a sample submit description file for an MPICH MPI application:

## Example submit description file
## for MPICH 1 MPI
## works with MPICH 1.2.4, 1.2.5 and 1.2.6
universe = parallel
executable = mp1script
arguments = my_mpich_linked_executable arg1 arg2
machine_count = 4
should_transfer_files = yes
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
transfer_input_files = my_mpich_linked_executable
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


The executable is the mp1script script that will have been modified for this MPI application. This script is invoked on each slot or core. The script, in turn, is expected to invoke the MPI application’s executable. To know the MPI application’s executable, it is the first in the list of arguments. And, since HTCondor must transfer this executable to the machine where it will run, it is listed with the transfer_input_files command, and the file transfer mechanism is enabled with the should_transfer_files command.

Here is the equivalent sample submit description file, but for an Open MPI application:

## Example submit description file
## for Open MPI
universe = parallel
executable = openmpiscript
arguments = my_openmpi_linked_executable arg1 arg2
machine_count = 4
should_transfer_files = yes
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
transfer_input_files = my_openmpi_linked_executable
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


Most MPI implementations require two system-wide prerequisites. The first prerequisite is the ability to run a command on a remote machine without being prompted for a password. ssh is commonly used. The second prerequisite is an ASCII file containing the list of machines that may utilize ssh. These common prerequisites are implemented in a further script called sshd.sh. sshd.sh generates ssh keys to enable password-less remote execution and starts an sshd daemon. Use of the sshd.sh script requires the definition of two HTCondor configuration variables. Configuration variable CONDOR_SSHD CONDOR_SSHD is an absolute path to an implementation of sshd. sshd.sh has been tested with openssh version 3.9, but should work with more recent versions. Configuration variable CONDOR_SSH_KEYGEN points to the corresponding ssh-keygen executable.

mp1script and mp2script require the PATH to the MPICH installation to be set. The variable MPDIR may be modified in the scripts to indicate its proper value. This directory contains the MPICH mpirun executable.

openmpiscript also requires the PATH to the Open MPI installation. Either the variable MPDIR can be set manually in the script, or the administrator can define MPDIR using the configuration variable OPENMPI_INSTALL_PATH. When using Open MPI on a multi-machine HTCondor cluster, the administrator may also want to consider tweaking the OPENMPI_EXCLUDE_NETWORK_INTERFACES configuration variable as well as set MOUNT_UNDER_SCRATCH = /tmp.

MPI Applications Within HTCondor’s Vanilla Universe

The vanilla universe may be preferred over the parallel universe for parallel applications which can run entirely on one machine. The request_cpus command causes a claimed slot to have the required number of CPUs (cores).

There are two ways to ensure that the MPI job can run on any machine that it lands on:

  1. Statically build an MPI library and statically compile the MPI code.

  2. Bundle all the MPI libraries into a docker container and run MPI in the container

Here is a submit description file example assuming that MPI is installed on all machines on which the MPI job may run, or that the code was built using static libraries and a static version of mpirun is available.

##   submit description file for
##   static build of MPI under the vanilla universe
universe = vanilla
executable = /path/to/mpirun
request_cpus = 2
arguments = -np 2 my_mpi_linked_executable arg1 arg2 arg3
should_transfer_files = yes
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
transfer_input_files = my_mpi_linked_executable
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


Any additional input files that will be needed for the executable that are not already in the tarball should be included in the list in transfer_input_files command. The corresponding script should then also be updated to move those files into the directory where the executable will be run.

Java jobs

HTCondor allows users to access a wide variety of machines distributed around the world. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides a uniform platform on any machine, regardless of the machine’s architecture or operating system. The HTCondor Java universe brings together these two features to create a distributed, homogeneous computing environment.

Compiled Java programs can be submitted to HTCondor, and HTCondor can execute the programs on any machine in the pool that will run the Java Virtual Machine.

The condor_status command can be used to see a list of machines in the pool for which HTCondor can use the Java Virtual Machine.

$ condor_status -java

Name               JavaVendor Ver    State     Activity LoadAv  Mem  ActvtyTime

adelie01.cs.wisc.e Sun Micros 1.6.0_ Claimed   Busy     0.090   873  0+00:02:46
adelie02.cs.wisc.e Sun Micros 1.6.0_ Owner     Idle     0.210   873  0+03:19:32
slot10@bio.cs.wisc Sun Micros 1.6.0_ Unclaimed Idle     0.000   118  7+03:13:28
slot2@bio.cs.wisc. Sun Micros 1.6.0_ Unclaimed Idle     0.000   118  7+03:13:28

If there is no output from the condor_status command, then HTCondor does not know the location details of the Java Virtual Machine on machines in the pool, or no machines have Java correctly installed.

A Simple Example Java Application

Here is a complete, if simple, example. Start with a simple Java program, Hello.java:

public class Hello {
    public static void main( String [] args ) {
        System.out.println("Hello, world!\n");

Build this program using your Java compiler. On most platforms, this is accomplished with the command

$ javac Hello.java

Submission to HTCondor requires a submit description file. If submitting where files are accessible using a shared file system, this simple submit description file works:

# Example 1
# Execute a single Java class

universe       = java
executable     = Hello.class
arguments      = Hello
output         = Hello.output
error          = Hello.error

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


The Java universe must be explicitly selected.

The main class of the program is given in the executable statement. This is a file name which contains the entry point of the program. The name of the main class (not a file name) must be specified as the first argument to the program.

If submitting the job where a shared file system is not accessible, the submit description file becomes:

# Example 2
# Execute a single Java class,
# not on a shared file system

universe       = java
executable     = Hello.class
arguments      = Hello
output         = Hello.output
error          = Hello.error
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K


For more information about using HTCondor’s file transfer mechanisms, see the Submitting a Job section.

To submit the job, where the submit description file is named Hello.cmd, execute

$ condor_submit Hello.cmd

To monitor the job, the commands condor_q and condor_rm are used as with all jobs.

Less Simple Java Specifications

Specifying more than 1 class file.

For programs that consist of more than one .class file, identify the files in the submit description file:

executable = Stooges.class
transfer_input_files = Larry.class,Curly.class,Moe.class

The executable command does not change. It still identifies the class file that contains the program’s entry point.

JAR files.

If the program consists of a large number of class files, it may be easier to collect them all together into a single Java Archive (JAR) file. A JAR can be created with:

$ jar cvf Library.jar Larry.class Curly.class Moe.class Stooges.class

HTCondor must then be told where to find the JAR as well as to use the JAR. The JAR file that contains the entry point is specified with the executable command. All JAR files are specified with the jar_files command. For this example that collected all the class files into a single JAR file, the submit description file contains:

executable = Library.jar
jar_files = Library.jar

Note that the JVM must know whether it is receiving JAR files or class files. Therefore, HTCondor must also be informed, in order to pass the information on to the JVM. That is why there is a difference in submit description file commands for the two ways of specifying files (transfer_input_files and jar_files)

If there are multiple JAR files, the executable command specifies the JAR file that contains the program’s entry point. This file is also listed with the jar_files command:

executable = sortmerge.jar
jar_files = sortmerge.jar,statemap.jar
Using a third-party JAR file.

As HTCondor requires that all JAR files (third-party or not) be available, specification of a third-party JAR file is no different than other JAR files. If the sortmerge example above also relies on version 2.1 from http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/lang/, and this JAR file has been placed in the same directory with the other JAR files, then the submit description file contains

executable = sortmerge.jar
jar_files = sortmerge.jar,statemap.jar,commons-lang-2.1.jar
An executable JAR file.

When the JAR file is an executable, specify the program’s entry point in the arguments command:

executable = anexecutable.jar
jar_files  = anexecutable.jar
arguments  = some.main.ClassFile
Discovering the main class within a JAR file.

As of Java version 1.4, Java virtual machines have a -jar option, which takes a single JAR file as an argument. With this option, the Java virtual machine discovers the main class to run from the contents of the Manifest file, which is bundled within the JAR file. HTCondor’s java universe does not support this discovery, so before submitting the job, the name of the main class must be identified.

For a Java application which is run on the command line with

$ java -jar OneJarFile.jar

the equivalent version after discovery might look like

$ java -classpath OneJarFile.jar TheMainClass

The specified value for TheMainClass can be discovered by unjarring the JAR file, and looking for the MainClass definition in the Manifest file. Use that definition in the HTCondor submit description file. Partial contents of that file Java universe submit file will appear as

universe   = java
executable =  OneJarFile.jar
jar_files  = OneJarFile.jar
Arguments  = TheMainClass More-Arguments

An example of a Java class that is declared in a non-default package is

package hpc;

public class CondorDriver
 // class definition here

The JVM needs to know the location of this package. It is passed as a command-line argument, implying the use of the naming convention and directory structure.

Therefore, the submit description file for this example will contain

arguments = hpc.CondorDriver
JVM-version specific features.

If the program uses Java features found only in certain JVMs, then the Java application submitted to HTCondor must only run on those machines within the pool that run the needed JVM. Inform HTCondor by adding a requirements statement to the submit description file. For example, to require version 3.2, add to the submit description file:

requirements = (JavaVersion=="3.2")
JVM options.

Options to the JVM itself are specified in the submit description file:

java_vm_args = -DMyProperty=Value -verbose:gc -Xmx1024m

These options are those which go after the java command, but before the user’s main class. Do not use this to set the classpath, as HTCondor handles that itself. Setting these options is useful for setting system properties, system assertions and debugging certain kinds of problems.

Chirp I/O with Java

If a job has more sophisticated I/O requirements that cannot be met by HTCondor’s file transfer mechanism, then the Chirp facility may provide a solution. Chirp has two advantages over simple, whole-file transfers. First, it permits the input files to be decided upon at run-time rather than submit time, and second, it permits partial-file I/O with results than can be seen as the program executes. However, small changes to the program are required in order to take advantage of Chirp. Depending on the style of the program, use either Chirp I/O streams or UNIX-like I/O functions.

Chirp I/O streams are the easiest way to get started. Modify the program to use the objects ChirpInputStream and ChirpOutputStream instead of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream. These classes are completely documented in the HTCondor Software Developer’s Kit (SDK). Here is a simple code example:

import java.io.*;
import edu.wisc.cs.condor.chirp.*;

public class TestChirp {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {

      try {
         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(
               new ChirpInputStream("input")));

         PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
            new OutputStreamWriter(
               new ChirpOutputStream("output")));

         while(true) {
            String line = in.readLine();
            if(line==null) break;
      } catch( IOException e ) {

To perform UNIX-like I/O with Chirp, create a ChirpClient object. This object supports familiar operations such as open, read, write, and close. Exhaustive detail of the methods may be found in the HTCondor SDK, but here is a brief example:

import java.io.*;
import edu.wisc.cs.condor.chirp.*;

public class TestChirp {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {

      try {
         ChirpClient client = new ChirpClient();
         String message = "Hello, world!\n";
         byte [] buffer = message.getBytes();

         // Note that we should check that actual==length.
         // However, skip it for clarity.

         int fd = client.open("output","wct",0777);
         int actual = client.write(fd,buffer,0,buffer.length);


      } catch( IOException e ) {

Regardless of which I/O style, the Chirp library must be specified and included with the job. The Chirp JAR (Chirp.jar) is found in the lib directory of the HTCondor installation. Copy it into your working directory in order to compile the program after modification to use Chirp I/O.

$ condor_config_val LIB
$ cp /usr/local/condor/lib/Chirp.jar .

Rebuild the program with the Chirp JAR file in the class path.

$ javac -classpath Chirp.jar:. TestChirp.java

The Chirp JAR file must be specified in the submit description file. Here is an example submit description file that works for both of the given test programs:

universe = java
executable = TestChirp.class
arguments = TestChirp
jar_files = Chirp.jar
want_io_proxy = True
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1024M
request_disk   = 10240K



If the current working directory when a job is submitted is accessed via an NFS automounter, HTCondor may have problems if the automounter later decides to unmount the volume before the job has completed. This is because condor_submit likely has stored the dynamic mount point as the job’s initial current working directory, and this mount point could become automatically unmounted by the automounter.

There is a simple work around. When submitting the job, use the submit command initialdir to point to the stable access point. For example, suppose the NFS automounter is configured to mount a volume at mount point /a/myserver.company.com/vol1/johndoe whenever the directory /home/johndoe is accessed. Adding the following line to the submit description file solves the problem.

initialdir = /home/johndoe

HTCondor attempts to flush the NFS cache on a access point in order to refresh a job’s initial working directory. This allows files written by the job into an NFS mounted initial working directory to be immediately visible on the access point. Since the flush operation can require multiple round trips to the NFS server, it is expensive. Therefore, a job may disable the flushing by setting

+IwdFlushNFSCache = False

in the job’s submit description file. See the Job ClassAd Attributes page for a definition of the job ClassAd attribute.