Single Submission of Multiple, Independent DAGs

A single use of condor_submit_dag may execute multiple, independent DAGs. Each independent DAG has its own, distinct DAG input file. These DAG input files are command-line arguments to condor_submit_dag.

Internally, all of the independent DAGs are combined into a single, larger DAG, with no dependencies between the original independent DAGs. As a result, any generated Rescue DAG file represents all of the original independent DAGs with a single DAG. The file name of this Rescue DAG is based on the DAG input file listed first within the command-line arguments. For example, assume that three independent DAGs are submitted with

$ condor_submit_dag A.dag B.dag C.dag

The first listed is A.dag. The remainder of the specialized file name adds a suffix onto this first DAG input file name, A.dag. The suffix is _multi.rescue<XXX>, where <XXX> is substituted by the 3-digit number of the Rescue DAG created as defined in The Rescue DAG section. The first time a Rescue DAG is created for the example, it will have the file name A.dag_multi.rescue001.

Other files such as dagman.out and the lock file also have names based on this first DAG input file.

The success or failure of the independent DAGs is well defined. When multiple, independent DAGs are submitted with a single command, the success of the composite DAG is defined as the logical AND of the success of each independent DAG. This implies that failure is defined as the logical OR of the failure of any of the independent DAGs.

By default, DAGMan internally renames the nodes to avoid node name collisions. If all node names are unique, the renaming of nodes may be disabled by setting the configuration variable DAGMAN_MUNGE_NODE_NAMES to False